Chapter 19: The Aftermath

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      The Rating Game had been much more intense than Y/N thought. He'd shown up to the match later than the others because Rias' older brother, Sirzechs, wished to speak with him.

When he had arrived, Koneko had been defeated and was teleported away in his arms. He'd met up with Kiba alongside Issei. They devised a plan where the Knight and the Pawn would distract Riser's pieces so Y/N could sneak into his base and take him down, however, things took a turn for the worst when both Akeno and Kiba were defeated by Riser's Queen.

In a display of aggression, no-one had ever seen before, Y/N brutally defeated all of Riser's remaining pieces including his Queen. Minutes after he did, an explosion from the ORC rocked the arena.

Y/N arrived on the scene and beat Riser within an inch of his life. Y/N would have killed him if Rias hadn't got in the way and Riser hadn't forfeited. When the game was over, Rias did something none of them had been expecting. She kissed the Angel, Y/N, on the lips.

After their shared moment, Y/N, Rias, Asia, and Issei had been teleported out of the pocket universe and into a private hospital located in the Underworld, which brings up to current events.

Y/N walked down one of the corridors that were surprisingly empty. Next to him was Issei who was giving him the occasional glance. Y/N didn't have to be an Angel with heightened senses to notice.

"Is something the matter?" Y/N asked as politely as he could.

Issei jumped when he'd realised he'd been caught. "Uh, no, nothing. But... how are you doing, man? Honestly, you kind of scared me when you were fighting Riser's Queen."

Y/N knew that he had to own up to what he did. "Yes, I'm sorry about that. I let my anger get the better of me. It's's been a long time since I've had a battle before. Ever since The Great War reached a stalemate a thousand years ago there's been no need for me to fight. I'm sorry if I surprised you."

"No, it's all good," Issei reassured. "It's pretty badass."

Y/N caught Issei's eyes, Issei sent an impressed smirk to Y/N who graciously smiled back at him.

Behind the two men were Rias and Asia. Both Devils couldn't look anywhere other than their feet. Asia was a blushing mess, she had been ever since she'd watched Buchou passionately kiss Y/N. Rias was also visibly blushing but she was red over what she had done.

She had kissed him without a second thought. Maybe it was because she was trying to calm him down, but when she met his lips, she felt something so much more. It was a warmth that passed through her whole body. It was like kissing him filled a void in her heart.

"I believe this is it," Y/N spoke up.

The four came to a halt and looked at one of the hospital doors. When they'd arrived they had been informed by a Devil nurse that their teammates were located on the second floor.

Issei stepped forward and put his hand on the handle. He twisted the knob and pushed open the door. The four stepped inside and saw Kiba resting his upper half against the hospital bed. He was wrapped up in bandages, but when he saw his friends, he smiled pleasantly.

"Hey, guys," Kiba addressed.

Issei stepped forward. "Hey, man. How you doing?"

"I'm alright. The doctors here are experts after all," Kiba assured. "I heard we won the game, is that right?"

"Yeah, it is!" Issei pumped. "I didn't see it but Y/N took Riser down on his own. He also defeated the Queen and Knights and the Bishops."

Kiba's smile faltered slightly. "Yes, the Queen."

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