Chapter 32: A Helping Hand

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      At the far side of Kuoh was an old abandoned church. The windows were smashed in, the walls were crumbling, and the dust inside had more dust on top of it.

Even though it was full of health hazards, two Humans, who were not residents of Kuoh, were staying inside of the old church. These two Humans were affiliated with the church and the Angels.

One of them was a blue/green-haired Exorcist named Xenovia while the other had chestnut hair and her name was Irina.

After the two had bathed in a bath that was not up to par with regular standards, they decided to sit down and relax until they felt tired enough to go to sleep.

Irina sighed, "We don't even have a proper bath to soak in. Yet another trail the Lord has sent to test me!"

"Hardly," Xenovia butted in, sharply. "This is all because you wasted all of our money on that goofy-looking, rip-off of a painting!"

Xenovia swiftly pointed to an atrocious painting of Christ surrounded by swirls leaning up against the wall.

Irina gasped after being offended by Xenovia. "The figure in that painting is a saint. The man at the gallery told me so!"

Xenovia sighed, dropped her face into her palm. "Why do I have to be stuck with you as my partner?"

Irina shook her head. "You really can't take things lightly, can you?"

"Shut up," Xenovia snapped.

As soon as she snapped, both their stomachs violently growled aloud. Both of them were pretty hungry.

"In any case, before we can find the Excaliburs, we need to find something to eat," Xenovia stated.

Irina had an idea. "How about we threaten heathens into giving us money?"

Xenovia contemplated the thought. It would be stealing and wrong but they would be doing it for the sake of God so they would be forgiven.

"As interesting as that sounds..." A voice called out. "I don't think the Lord would like that."

Immediately, Xenovia and Irina shot up and glared at whoever was speaking. They found someone with a male physique leaning against a door with his arms crossed. The two were able to see that it was the same man who had left the ORC in a huff.

Y/N stepped forward. "Lovely place," He commented, sarcastically.

Xenovia and Irina remained vigilant.

"You again?" Xenovia questions. "How did you find us?"

"People of the church with Holy Sword acting in secret after getting orders from an Angel? You're hardly going to be in a five-star hotel," He replied.

Irina found her pleasant smile again but she was still on the edge. "Is there something we can help with. Perhaps your Master sent you to talk to us?"

He shook his head. "I don't have a Master."

Xenovia smirked a little. "I see. So you have abandoned your Master, which makes you a Rogue. Then, I invite you to remain still as kill you in the name of God."

Y/N rolled his eyes at the trigger-happy Exorcist. "You misunderstand. Miss Gremory is not my Master for I am no Devil."

Xenovia glared again. "Is this supposed to be a trick? Have you Devils really sunk that low?"

Y/N felt his patience wearing thin. "Must I spell everything out for you? For people of the church, you don't seem to be very observant."

"Explain yourself," Xenovia ordered. Next to her, Irina was preparing herself for a fight.

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