Chapter 48: Desires Part 2

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      Just as Y/N was about to use his other hand to click his fingers, there was the sound of shuffling behind him. The Rogue Devil grew even more scared.

Y/N turned around he was surprised by what he saw. There was a small boy looking about four years old. He had scruffy black hair and light red eyes. He was practically wearing rags for clothes.


Y/N's eyes widened in shock. He looked from the boy to Sachi and then back to the boy.

"Okay...definitely not apart of the plan."


Y/N stared the child down. He could sense that he had a Devils aura but it wasn't like his apparent Mothers. His aura was weaker not just because he was a child, but because compared to his mother, he was pure.

Y/N looked back at Sachi who had started to cry. There were tears falling from her black and red eyes. Either this was the greatest set up he'd ever seen or this was real.

He truly hoped that this wasn't a trick. If it was then he imagined he could still win but what would that cost?

He let go of Sachi and his blue light dispersed. Sachi slid down the wall in pain. She dropped as a heap on the floor.

Y/N watched as he spikes extruding out of her shoulders and arms went back inside of her body. The wounds closed up like nothing had even poked out. The claws slid back underneath her skin and her black eyes went back to their white and brown colours.

"MOM!" The same child yelled as he ran over to his mother on the floor. He barged past Y/N but the Angel wasn't bothered.

The child didn't seem to mind that his mother was naked besides for her panties.

Sachi painfully lifted herself onto her side. She stroked her hand through the child's black hair in a comforting manner.

"Hey, I'm alright. Mommy's alright," She assured with a smile.

Y/N couldn't believe what he was seeing. He'd yet to see a Rogue Devil transform back into normal and never had he'd seen one with real compassion before.

Sachi slowly looked up at Y/N. The child did the same. While Sachi wore a worried expression, the young kid glared sharply at the Angel.

"You hurt mom," He growled.

Y/N narrowed his eyes as he waited for the kid to charge at him but Sachi quickly put a hand on his cheek.

"It's alright. He's just doing his job," She told him.

"But...he hurt you," The kid reminded.

"I know, I know," She caressed his cheek.

Y/N could see the bond between them. He remembered the times when Rias had touched him like that and how she had been able to calm him down and make him relax.

Sachi looked back up at Y/N who managed to keep a straight face. "Please...not in front of him."

Y/N blinked. He wasn't sure whether he was hearing her right.

"He's innocent, he hasn't done anything wrong," She told him. "Please, just let him go," She pleaded.

Y/N wasn't sure what to do. He'd never been in this situation before. He hadn't seen a mother's love up close, but this had to be it.

The Angel approached them. The child stood next to his mother protectively.

"P-please," She sobbed, worried for the safety of her son.

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