Chapter 22: The Humanizer Part 2

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      Morning had come much later than Y/N would have liked. He stepped out of his apartment, locked the door, and in defeat, hit his head on the door.

After he'd made his comment saying that his and Rias' relationship was complicated, the night had been rough. Despite buying alcohol for them, neither of the two touched the stuff. Y/N made dinner, they bathed separately, and then went to bed together.

Y/N woke up this morning and found himself sleeping without Rias cuddling him. He had turned to his side and saw that she was still sleeping naked but she had her back to him. The simple act made him feel horrible.

Later on, he had asked if she was going to come with him to the academy but she said that she planned on going in later on in the day. He didn't know if she was lying or not but either way, it hurt.

"Stupid," He muttered to himself as he hit his head on the door.

He was starting to get afraid that she wouldn't want to see him anymore and she would move out. He was sure he couldn't stomach that if it ever came to pass.

The door behind him rattled but he was too caught up in self-hatred to notice it.

Last night, Remi had tried to forget the whole 'Y/N and Rias living together' thing but she couldn't. She wasn't sure why she couldn't get it out of her mind but it was starting to irritate her.

She stepped out of her apartment to go to the academy when she noticed Y/N standing there with his head resting on his door and his shoulders slumped.

"Uhh, Y/N-san?" She asked, confused.

Suddenly, Y/N spun around at the mention of his name. It was like he had gotten a sudden burst of energy.

"Hey! Wh-uh-what's up?" He awkwardly tried to play off his pity session.

"Nothing...are you okay?" She asked, a little wary of him. He was acting very different compared to yesterday.

"Yeah. I'm-I'm good," He replied but his tone of voice and out of character actions betrayed him.

Remi shut her door. "Tell me what happened," She invited.

Y/N was surprised by her request. They didn't really know each other and yet she was willing to listen to his problems. She's a great person.

'Why the hell am I asking him to do that!?' She inwardly yelled. 'Whatever happens between him and Rias is their own business! Wait...'

"Is it about Rias-san?" She suggested.

Y/N stared in shock. Was it that easy to see? He used to be really good at lying. Are Human's more tentative than Angels thought?

Y/N nodded while avoiding her gaze.

"Let's walk. You can tell me about it on the way," Remi said as she started moving down the hallway. Y/N was right next to her.


As the two students went to the academy, Y/N told Remi everything, including how Rias had been distant with him the entire night and this morning. The fact that she wasn't mad at him actually made it worse because at least then he would know how she felt.

When Remi had asked why she had been acting like that, Y/N didn't know what to answer with. In the end, he had said that Rias had been disappointed with his 'it's complicated' answer but he didn't know why.

Remi was a girl herself and so she could understand how Rias felt. She hadn't experienced something like this herself, but she was always there for her friends when they were going through a break-up.

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