Chapter 24: The Humanizer Part 4

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      Y/N stared into the mirror. To even his own surprise, he was fixing his tie. He had no major or formal event planned. He wasn't planning on meeting any Devil, Fallen Angel, or Angel leaders at all. Instead, he was going to walk with Remi to their classes.

After last night, he'd been in a good mood. He hadn't known Remi for long but he valued his friendship with her and he hoped she did the same. He didn't know why he wanted to look presentable but he did so he didn't question it.

When he was satisfied with how he looked, he exited the bedroom and stepped into the living room.

Sitting at the bar stool with a book in hand, glasses on her face, and a cup of tea on top of a coaster was Rias. She was enthralled by the book so much that Y/N had come home to her reading it. He had fallen asleep before she put the book away.

Y/N had already eaten breakfast today so he didn't need to wait around. Remi would be leaving her apartment soon enough. He paid Rias no mind as he headed towards the front door.

The two had yet to talk, despite Remi's advice. Y/N wasn't sure when to bring it up with her and he also had no idea what to say. He didn't know what words to say to describe his feelings.

Rias heard his footsteps and she looked up from the literature she was reading. She saw him reach for the doorknob.

"Y/N," She gently called out. It didn't sound like an order to him.

Y/N let go of the doorknob and faced her. "Yes, Miss Gremory."

"...Could we meet up later?" She struggled to invite. "I just want to talk."

Y/N wasn't sure what she was on about. 'What does she want to talk about? Wait, this might just be the opportunity I need.'

"Of course. Where?" He asked back.

"Here, around dinner time," She answered.

Y/N nodded at his roommate. "Sure, I'll see you then."

Before he left, Rias noted that he had fixed his tie, tucked his shirt in, and settled his jacket. He looked like he was going to meet with someone of importance.

With nothing more to say, Y/N opened the door and closed it behind him, leaving Rias alone in the apartment.

The red-haired Devil let out a sigh of relief. She planned to talk to Y/N about their relationship and possibly tell him her feelings. Asking him to meet her had been stressful enough but she now had most of the day to plan what she wanted to tell him.

She went back to her book and took a sip of tea. Might as well calm her nerves while she can.


Y/N closed the door and patiently waited outside for the door opposite to open. After a few seconds, Remi unlocked her door and found him smiling at her.

"Morning, Y/N," She greeted with a raised eyebrow. "Were you waiting for me?"

"What, pfft, no," He lied. "I was just...leaving," He said back.

Remi bit her bottom lip so she wouldn't laugh at his reply. She locked her door and put her keys away in her bag.

"Would you like to join me?" She offered.

"Fine, but only because you're being so pushy about it," Y/N joked as he started walking.

"I asked once," Remi shot back as she caught up to him.

The two strolled down the corridor side by side. They were quiet but it was peaceful now since there were no more false pretences between them.

"Lyings a sin, you know?" She interrupted the silence.

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