Chapter 57: The End Of Days Part 1

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      The next night, the Occult Research Club had been gathered together in Rias' parent's home as per Azazel's request.

The Fallen Angel leaned against a wall with folded arms. "To defeat Loki, Odin has returned to Northern Europe to retrieve Mjolnir. But according to Ajuka, who teleported Loki, he can keep Loki at bay for another day or so at best," He informed.

Rias' eyes widened. "Just one day!?"

"If Loki recovers and attacks us again, we'll have to fight him head-on," Azazel continued.

"If Satan-class combatants from all different factions go to battle, there's a chance that another large-scale war will break out," Rias added.

Y/N knew it was true. A threat like this could unite the factions just as easily as it could tear them apart.

"And that's what he desires, Ragnarok," Y/N interjected. "It'll be chaos unlike any other in history. It's just what the Khaos Brigade wants."

"Let me see my brother, or rather, Sirzechs-sama," Rias requested to Azazel.


Rias had been brought to the meeting between the factions regarding the Loki situation.

The others had been left behind. Y/N was leaning against a wall while looking up at a ceiling, wearing a blank expression.

He was in such deep thought he didn't even notice when Akeno stood next to him, giving him a worried look.

"Y/N-kun, is everything alright?" She used her nickname for him around the others.

Y/N shook his head while still staring up. "I'm starting to question whether anything's going to be alright anymore. It seems we're facing a new, more powerful, threat every day."

Akeno nodded in agreement. She leaned up against the same wall he was but she crossed her hands behind her back.

"I don't like you going out there," He informed, "Nor any of you for that matter. You're all so young. If I lost any of you out there... I'm not sure what might happen to me."

Akeno smiled lightly at his worry for them. "We may be young in your eyes, but we're not weak. Each and every one of us have prepared for moments like this. That's what all that training was about. Is it possible don't trust us?"

"That's not the case and it never will be. I trust you, Akeno-chan just as much as I trust the rest of you," He reassured. "But no matter how much preparation you do, there can always be something stronger right around the corner. You know that, as do I," He sadly replied.

Akeno's hand reached out and grabbed his own. "This isn't going to be like that time, Y/N-kun."

Finally, he looked away from the ceiling and into her eyes. "How can you be so sure?"

Once again, she smiled sweetly at him. "Because that time, you were alone. When we fight Loki, it will be as a group, Devils and Angel combined. We're going to win."

He forced himself to smile back. As much as he wanted to believe in Akeno's words, he just couldn't. The others weren't strong enough to defeat the likes of Kokabiel and Vali, so how could he expect them to take down Loki, the Evil Norse God of Mischief?

Y/N started to doubt if even he would be able to take him down. At his current power level, he brutally took down Kokabiel and won against Vali until Son Goku arrive, but Loki was different.

Akeno saw the uncertainty in his eyes and sadly smiled.

The sound of footsteps caught everyone's attention. Rias had returned but she wasn't alone. Alongside her was Sona, Tsubaki, and Saji of the Student Council. Also with her was a woman with long silver hair and blue eyes. She wore a light blue suit and mildly stern expression.

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