Chapter 16: Gremory Vs Phenex Part 1

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      Y/N hadn't flown this fast before in a long time but he was an experienced Angel so it wasn't too bad, and with so much at stake, he was more than ready to do whatever it took.

Y/N reached the destroyed gymnasium. Wooden planks and bricks had been fired everywhere. The remnants of the building were still on fire.

"Riser-sama's three Pawns and a Rook have been defeated."

Y/N recognised the announcer's overhead voice of Grayfia. He remembered how Sirzechs had sent her away to do just that.

As Y/N arrived, he saw a girl with long black hair wearing a traditional red and white miko outfit. Her hair was tied back by an orange ribbon and her head was extended upright as yellow lightning flashed around her body. She had her two black Devil wings spread from out her back.

Y/N was very glad to see who it was. "Akeno-san!" He called out.

"Hmm," Akeno heard her name called and turned her head to the culprit. "Y/N-kun. Did you see me take them down?"

Y/N came to a halt in front of her, his white wings keeping him airborne. "I just about saw it, yes. I wasn't quite sure what had happened, but I'm glad you're alright."

Akeno smiled. "Y/N-kun, flirting with me on the battlefield? That's pretty bold of you, you know."

Y/N couldn't help but smile back her. His hands rested on his hips. "Never change, Akeno-san. Never change."

"Hey, Y/N!" A male voice shouted from below.

Y/N glanced down and saw Issei and Koneko standing next to the destroyed gymnasium.

Y/N turned back to Akeno. "Excuse me for a second."

The Angel quickly flew down to the two Devils on the ground. When his feet touched the floor, he closed up his wings that disappeared behind his back.

"Hey, man. Where were you? You didn't come through the magic circle with us," Issei said.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Someone wanted to talk to me," He answered.

Issei raised a brow at him. "Who?"

Y/N shook his head. "Nevermind, I'll tell you later. What's Miss Gremory's game plan?"

"Well, it's-" Issei stopped talking when a voice entered his ear. He tapped a finger to the magic device he'd put in his ear.

Y/N watched with a confused look upon his face as Issei and Koneko acted like they'd forgotten about him and were now paying attention to their ears.

Issei removed his hand from his ear. "The next phase is..." He looked down at Koneko for an answer.

"We're to meet up with Yuuto-senpai around the track field, and annihilate the enemies in the area," She explained.

Issei placed a hand on his hip. "I wonder is Kiba's alright?"

"I'm sorry, I'm very lost here," Y/N interrupted. "Do one of you want to clue me in here or...?"

"Oh, right, yeah," Issei realised that Y/N hadn't been here for the plan, and he'd almost forgot that Rias had given him something to give to Y/N had he met up with him in the game. "Here."

Issei dug into his pocket and retrieved an item. Y/N peered down and saw that he was handing him a small lit up red bead.

"I'm still lost," Y/N admitted.

"Buchou said they're so we can talk on the battlefield," Issei explained. "It just flies in your ear."

"Oh," Y/N replied.

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