Chapter 49: Bundle of Joy Part 1

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      Y/N awoke that morning with Rias in his arms. All he did as soon as he woke up was hug her comfortably and not let her go. She had slept through all of it but she had unconsciously been backing up into him.

However, he had only been able to do all of that because he had woken up earlier than normal. The light shining through the window told him that they had to get up. All good things come to an end.

Y/N lifted himself up a bit so he could loom over Rias. From there, he gently kissed at her neck. She was naked again so he didn't have to worry about clothes.

Slowly, Rias began to stir from the added heat. When she regained consciousness, she immediately recognised the feeling of Y/N romantically kissing her skin. They'd started kissing a lot more regularly recently and it felt good.

Rias raised her hand and ran her fingers through his soft hair. The two smiled at the contact.

"Good morning," He whispered.

"Morning," She said back.

Y/N ran a hand along her waist making her moan a little bit. Her grip in his hair tightened a bit, but then, he let out a chuckle.

"We should probably stop until we get too carried away," He said as he removed his hand from her waist.

"Yeah, you're right. I probably won't be able to let you go," She replied. She rolled onto her side and the two met face to face. They stared into each other while a smile grew on his face.

"I'm really glad I met you, Rias Gremory," He stated.

Rias instantly blushed at his sweet words. "Baka."

She pushed herself forward and kissed him. Somehow, neither of the two had any form of morning breath. They tasted sweet to each other.

She pulled back. "We need to shower."

"I agree. Do you want to shower while I make breakfast?" He offered.

"Sure," She agreed.

She stretched her body over him so she could get to the other side of the bed. She sat on the edge of it, letting Y/N see the curves of her butt cheeks.

She stood up and gave Y/N a full view that he wasn't complaining about. Rias knew full well what she was doing and she loved it. She could feel his eyes glued to her backside.

Once she left the room, Y/N dropped back onto the bed. Every time he saw Rias naked, he couldn't contain himself. She was down-right perfect and she knew how to press his buttons in the right way.

Just as he began to contemplate on what to make for breakfast, he heard Rias yelp loudly.

"Rias?" He asked as he got out of bed, not bothering to put on a shirt.

He opened the door and saw a shocked Rias looking at the couch.

"What is it-" He stopped when he caught sight of what she was seeing.

Sitting on the couch was the most innocent and most adorable baby girl either of the two had ever seen. She had light blonde hair and curious blue eyes. She looked a little bit like Gabriel with her appearance and she wore white dress but there was no way in Heaven it was her.

"I don't..." Y/N trailed. "But that's... How can you have a baby? We haven't done 'it'. Wait, is there someone else?"

"It's not mine!" Rias yelled. "Babies don't just appear like that!"

"Well, you could have fooled me," He gestured to the blonde child on the couch.

The baby glanced back and forth at Y/N and Rias as they argued. It was a complete switch from how they'd been this morning. Slowly, the babies eyes began to swell up with tears.

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