Chapter 25: The Humanizer Part 5

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      The shower poured hot water down on the Angel standing inside of it. His body was drenched in blood after the events that took place a couple of hours ago.

He had stripped naked and also spread his wings that were also covered in blood. He would probably get rid of the clothes he was wearing because the smell of blood was just that bad.

Y/N stood motionless in the shower. He didn't smile, he didn't cry, he didn't scream in rage. He just stood there, emotionless. He wanted to use the cloth to clean himself but he couldn't will himself to move. He wasn't weak because his trip to Heaven quickly rejuvenated his powers.

However, because he couldn't think straight, he failed to notice a second person enter the shower and stand behind him.

Rias looked at Y/N's unmoving body with sad eyes. After Y/N had taken the poor girl, Remi, to Heaven, she had destroyed the Fallen Angel, Manakel's, corpse and called in a few Devils from the Underworld to fix the hole and make it seem like nothing had happened.

Rias saw that blood had stained his usually clean white wings. It was a scary sight, seeing something so pure being infected by a vile substance, but that didn't stop her from grabbing the cloth and cleaning the blood from Y/N's wings herself.

Despite her being naked with him in the shower, and that she was gently touching his wings, Y/N didn't appear to care less. His face was frozen with a devoid expression.

The water had already been able to wash most of the blood and dust from his body but Rias made sure there wasn't a single drop of it left. It didn't take her too long to clean him up.

She put the blood-soaked cloth on the stand outside of the shower and looked back at Y/N. She unintentionally saw something else on his back that almost made her gasp out loud.

Above and below Y/N's wings were crescent scars. Her mind brought her back to the story he told her under the gazebo. The story of how an unnamed Fallen Angel had torn nine wings from his back and how the Archangel Gabriel had cut off his third, leaving him with two wings instead of twelve.

She couldn't see his face but she could see the anguish that resided in him. She had no idea that Y/N and Remi were this close. She had seen them talking a couple of days ago but did that warrant this reaction? Was he like this every time a Human died or were they closer than she thought?

Y/N had zoned out and ignored Rias' presence. However, he felt two thin arms wrap around his waist and he held her moulds press into his back. He would have been excited if this was any other day.

Rias rested her head on his shoulder while hugging him. It wasn't too tight but it was very close. She felt his warm feathers brush against her skin. She had always loved her servants and would do her best to stay as close as she could with them. Y/N wasn't her servant, their relationship was much more than that. She just wanted him to be okay.

But to her dismay, Y/N slipped himself out of her arms and folded his wings away. Without a word, he exited the shower and wrapped the closet towel he could find around his waist.

He left the bathroom, leaving Rias in worry and despair.


After a night of Y/N trying his best to avoid Rias while she herself did what she could to try and help him, the day had arrived. It was a Saturday so Y/N didn't have to worry about missing classes.

He did feel bad because he knew Rias was just trying to get him to talk to her but he didn't want to talk to anyone...until now.

Y/N stood outside the large wooden doors to a giant and old church. Compared to the last church he'd visited, this one was much nicer. It wasn't full of holes for starters, and people still came here.

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