Author's Note

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      So, welcome to the Authors note.

Oi. Oi. Future author here. I have in fact created a oneshots book. Despite what this page will say, the new book is available. The first chapter is up so go and give it a read!

This chapter will just be me, as an author, explaining and talking about my book, 'An Angel In Kuoh'.

First off, I have very much enjoyed this book. I was so scared to write it because there are so many DxD fanfictions on Wattpad and I was afraid that mine wouldn't be very good compared to theirs. However, I've received so much love and support from the readers so that fear is gone.

Let's start from the beginning.

I've always had an obsession with Angels. Angel wings are amazing to me and I don't know why. I've done photo editing purely for the sake of seeing Angel wings on people. I wanted to write a book where the main character is an Angel because there aren't many of them.

My basic plan going into this book was to have a two-winged Angel but I wanted there to be something special about him. I ended up going with the reader being the first Angel. From there, I had Archangel ideas.

I needed someone to rip off his wings and I ultimately went with Kokabiel because it was the simplest. I decided to bring him back so I could make my story a little more original.

I wanted my story to have an end, unlike DxD which still has an ongoing anime. I ultimately went with Lucifer. One of my ideas was to have Y/N become evil but I decided against it because it was too similar to DxD BorN. In the end, I was very happy with my choice to go with Lucifer, especially since I ended up enjoying his character.

I want to talk about the final chapter.

I know that it may seem a little bit rushed but I'm out of options here. I have a lot of stuff coming up in my real life and I didn't want to go on a long hiatus. I was writing out two chapters per day but I still ended up enjoying it.

To be honest, the whole relationship with Vali was totally unplanned. I realised that Vali had to be related to Y/N because of Lucifer. Because of that, I created the whole one-sided hate plot. I'm quite happy with how it went, especially since it ended nicely.

The Harem: I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with the girls. I definitely wanted Rias and Akeno. I decided to add in Xenovia too. I contemplated adding more. The ones I thought about was Koneko, Rossweisse, Kuroka, Ravel, and Serafall. Surprisingly, I didn't want to add in Gabriel because of their long history and how they call each other brother and sister.

I didn't want to turn this into one giant sex harem so I limited myself. I had a few moments with them but that was it.

Oh, and I know some of you may be a bit annoyed about how I made Kuroka like the reader and not add her in. I just ran out of time so I'm sorry. I would have liked to add her in myself.

My problem with the harem was that I didn't want to do an Issei rewrite. I'm sorry if some of you wanted more with other characters but I wanted to focus on the story plot and the creating a while new universe a little more than exploring the relationships. A lot of fanfictions prefer to focus on the women which is great but I wanted more of a balanced mix between the girls and the plot.

Regarding the ending, I struggled a bit. Most of it was stuff I came up with on the fly as I tend to experiment and see what happens, like with the whole Vali thing. I didn't want to suddenly end with a flash forward to a few years later and they all get married and have kids like other authors do. No hate to them but it's just not really my thing.

At this point, I'm going to tell you that I won't be writing a second book because I'd have to come up with a whole new plot. Sairarog Bael may be strong but Y/N's an Archangel so it's not much of a challenge. I also added in the Kyoto trip so that's half a season gone. I'd need to come up with a whole new storyline and at this moment, I don't have anything in mind.

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