Chapter 7: She's My Friend

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      It had all been so sudden. Just this morning had he awoke with a naked Akeno flirting with him. Rias had introduced him to Sona Sitri, the next heiress to the Sitri Clan, and the day had been pretty when did it all go to Hell?

Y/N had been sitting alone in his apartment reading one of his books. He was practically flying through these, probably because with his time he was either in the academy or here in his apartment reading. It was late into the night and he'd been considering going to bed.

In the corner of his eye, he spotted something bright. When he turned to face it, he saw that it was a red magic circle belonging to the House of Gremory.

Y/N assumed that it was either Rias or Akeno as Issei had yet to master it and he hadn't spoken to Koneko or Kiba since meeting them. If it was Rias, then it was probably that she wanted to talk to him, maybe ask him to join her peerage again. If it was Akeno, then God bless his poor little heart and downstairs area.

However, he was very surprised to see that it was Rias' entire peerage holding a badly injured Issei.

Y/N dropped his book to the floor, letting it close and lose his page number, but he didn't give a damn about that. He jumped out of his seat and practically teleported over to them with how fast he moved.

"What happened!?" He exclaimed as he helped them put him on the ground gently.

Issei writhed in pain. His body tossing and turning while his voice groaned out in pain. His blood was quick to stain his wooden floor and seep through the gaps between the planks.

"He got in a fight with a Rogue Exorcist while trying to get a pact," Rias explained, staying relatively calm despite what was happening.

"Never mind, you can tell me after," Y/N interjected, seeing that he had to tend to Issei first. "Get back," He ordered.

The Devils responded by backing away from Y/N and Issei. They hadn't actually see Y/N heal anyone before so this would be a first for them all.

Y/N tapped both his index and middle fingers to Issei's forehead. As soon as he did, Issei instantly stopped squirming around and fell unconscious. He was as still as a rock.

Y/N's previously shut eyelids uncovered his eyes, revealing that they were a pure bright blue.

The whiteish blue light emitted from his fingers, forcing the Devils to look away and cover their eyes. He had asked them to move away for that very reason. His light abilities could seriously harm them if he wasn't careful.

Speaking of being careful, Y/N was trying his best to do so. He had healed Issei before, but that was when he was a Human. Now, since he was a Devil, it was harder for him to heal him as his body was trying to fight of Y/N's powers.

Y/N's face contorted in a clear sign of struggle. No-one had ever tried to fight his healing abilities off before. It wasn't like Issei was doing it deliberately and had he been conscious he probably would be able to work with him, but his constant squirming would have been an issue, so this really was the best way to do it.

Y/N could sense what he was supposed to heal. There was a gunshot wound in his right thigh and his back had been sliced by a blade, presumably a light weapon.

Y/N's hard work seemed to pay off as Issei's injuries started to close up. The blood that had leaked on to his floor went back into Issei's body just as his wounds healed themselves and disappeared without even the hint of a scar.

The lights Y/N was emanating from his fingers and eyes died away until he returned to normal. He sighed deeply in relief.

The rest of the Devils felt the light fade and turned back to Y/N. Issei was still lying on the floor with Y/N by his side. Issei was also no longer bleeding and the hole in his trousers showed that there was also no wound.

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