Chapter 11: Familiar Bonding

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      Y/N sighed loudly.

After this morning's exciting training session, he'd got changed and headed off to school. Since he'd been spending his time fighting Fallen Angels alongside Devils, he'd had hardly any time to get his tedious schoolwork done.

The thing about Angels and Heaven is since they're crafted, they don't grow up like people on Earth do, so there's no to have buildings dedicated to education. There weren't teachers or sensei's but there were Angels who spent their time creating devices and learning in that way.

Luckily, Y/N had been around for a long time, so he'd picked up quite a few things. Before coming to Earth, he learnt what he could which includes giving himself a basic education. The keyword being 'basic'. The stuff he was learning here wasn't hard per se, but it certainly wasn't fun.

So in order to catch up, he'd spent most of his day in the library. However, since it was the end of the day for the academy, he could finally go home and have some time to himself.

The thought of relaxing in his apartment brought a smile to his face. Y/N was going to get some well-deserved 'me' time, which meant; no Fallen Angels, no Exorcists, no homework, no Rias bothering him, and no Akeno teasing him and/or harassing him.

He appreciated Rias and her peerage greatly, but they could get a little crazy at times.

"Hey! Y/N-kun!" A male voice called out.

Y/N felt his eyebrow twitch in irritation.

'One day. Just one day. I don't ask for much. Why is Miss Gremory working me so much? I know I said we're partners and all but this is starting to get ridiculous. Maybe this is that 'karma' Humans are so fond of saying others get,' He mused.

Y/N turned around as the person came to a stop in front of him.

Kiba wore his handsome smile that attracted all the woman in a five-block radius.

Y/N didn't have a problem with Kiba, in fact, he'd never really spoken to him, not unless you count when they'd first met in the Occult Research Club room. Y/N had a gut feeling that Issei wasn't a fan of his, but Y/N didn't really share that opinion.

"Kiba-san? What brings you here?" Y/N asked.

Despite the fact he'd just ran here, Kiba wasn't out of breath at all. Such as the ways of a Knight. "Buchou has requested you."

Once again, Y/N sighed. After the, in his opinion, unnecessary training session early today, Y/N just wanted to rejuvenate himself and come back tomorrow feeling better.

"Is she in the Occult Research Club?" Y/N inquired.

Kiba nodded. "Yes, she and the others are their right now."

Realising there was no way out now, Y/N nodded back. "Alright, lead the way."

Kiba gave a small bow and started walking in the opposite direction. Y/N followed him a little bit reluctantly.

As they walked to the ORC, many of the girls watched as the two most popular guys strolled past them. Their eyes turned to hearts but Y/N tuned them out.

All he could think about was what Rias wanted with him.


Y/N and Kiba stepped into the ORC and were greeted by all the others. Rias leaned against her desk while Akeno stood at her side like usual.

Issei and Koneko sat next to each other. Asia stood next to the couch with her hands behind her back and a smile on her face.

"Ah, you made it," Rias smiled.

An Angel In Kuoh | High School DxD X Male Angel ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now