Chapter 36: A Heart to Heart With Devils

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      In his bed, Y/N slowly began to stir. His eyes adjusted to the sunlight. He was pretty tired and his limbs felt like they were going to drop off.

Suddenly, yesterdays events hit him like a train. He remembered working with Xenovia and Irina which led to him encountering Freed and four Fallen Angels. After defeating them, he went home only to be attacked by three more Fallen Angels. He took care of them and then faced the man of his nightmares, Kokabiel.

It was a strenuous battle but Y/N emerged victoriously. He had not only beaten Kokabiel but he'd also gotten his revenge by ripping off the same wings he took from him. It was probably horrifying to watch but damn did it feel good.

He remembered that he hadn't killed him because the White Dragon, Vali Lucifer, his nephew, showed up and said he was there to take him away. Azazel had given him orders meaning he knew what was going on.

However, Y/N remembered something else. Kokabiel had revealed secrets no-one was supposed to know, secrets like how God and the Four Great Maous were dead, how every faction had to rely on Humans for their numbers to increase. He hated that this was the truth but there was nothing he could do about it.

He sighed in defeat. The truth was out, but this also meant that they knew he had been lying to them. He hadn't told them about God being dead and he'd also lied to Rias, saying that he wasn't going to get involved.

His eyes shot open. 'Akeno! I remember. Kokabiel said she'd Baraqiel's daughter! I had no idea,' He thought back to the time when they'd shared a shower. She had called him 'a real Angel' which stuck with him. 'Guess that's what she meant, but why? Even though Baraqiel's a Fallen Angel, he's still her father. Does she hate him?'

Y/N felt something shift next to him. He looked over and saw a sleeping Rias. She looked really peaceful which was rare for her.

Y/N smiled at her. "Rias?"

At the mention of her name, Rias' eyes squinted before she opened them. The first thing she saw was a smiling Y/N looking down at her.

"Y/N!" She yelled.

She was sitting on her knees looking down at him. She didn't notice that she was naked but it was pretty hard for him not to.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

Y/N then noticed that he didn't feel any pain. Last night, he had been beaten badly during his fight with Kokabiel, actually, so had Rias.

"I'm feeling good, how about you?" He inquired.

"I'm alright," She replied.


The two stayed in silence. Y/N rest on his back while Rias kneeled. He knew he had to apologise for his actions last night.

"I'm sorry, Rias," He apologised.

"Hmm, what for?" She queried.

"For everything I've done since Kokabiel arrived," He answered. "I lied to you when I said I never would and then I snapped at you when I had no right to. It wasn't your fault."

Rias smiled at her consultant. "Well, apology accepted, but you're not the only one who has to apologise."

Y/N looked perplexed. "Huh?"

Rias spoke, "You were right. My head wasn't in the game and because of that, I almost got my servants killed. I should have realised that no matter what was said, we Devils would have gotten involved with those of the church anyway. I was ignorant to that. If you hadn't reached out to the Exorcists, then we might not have survived."

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