Chapter 40: We Found Love in a Hellish Place Part 2

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      Y/N huffed as he jogged up the stairs. He had been on a morning run to clear his mind. After the events of Kokabiel, Azazel, and meeting Lucifer's great-grandson, Vali, he really wanted a break.

But it would seem that he wasn't going to get one as yesterday, the Fallen Angel, Amy, had appeared in the ORC and announced to everyone there that she loved him.

Y/N had met Amy only a couple of times in Heaven. After meeting him once, she became obsessed with him. This eventually led to her having very impure thoughts about him which meant she had to fall which she did. He was there when she begged him not to let her be taken from him but it was out of his hands.

Despite her obsession with him, Y/N didn't hate Amy. She could be one giant pain in his backside but he didn't hate her. Even though she was a Fallen Angel, he was glad to see that she was still alive. Truth be told, he had forgotten about her.

However, he knew she was still in Kuoh because of her announcement. Not only had she annoyed him, but she had also greatly angered Rias and Akeno. It took a while but he was able to calm them down by telling them the truth. Honestly, he felt flattered that they got jealous over other girls that liked him, or in this case, loved him. But he was worried that their jealousy would eventually lead to someone's death.

Issei had also told Y/N about the types of 'deres' that existed. In Issei's eyes, Rias was a bit of an rare type of Tsundere, meaning she would act open with people but would act differently around the person she liked because she didn't know how to act. Y/N thought back to the time he had said their relationship was 'complicated' and how she had acted cold. Also, there were all of those times he had embarrassed her and there were also the few times she had called him 'Baka'. However, he knew she cared for him deeply and she was starting to show that in public too which made him happy.

Akeno was something called a sadodere which meant they would toy with the person they liked and were usually a sadist too. However, Akeno was also something of a yandere, meaning she loved him but she was also quite protective. Akeno had told him that she would be okay if he and Rias pursued a relationship, but she would be far from okay if he was to start dating Amy. Y/N assumed this was because Rias was her best friend and she wanted her to be happy too. Luckily, Akeno hadn't killed anyone out of jealousy yet and Y/N doubted she would because she knew that he wouldn't like that.

Amy herself was the definition of a deredere. She constantly smothered Y/N with affection and would hardly get hurt if he offended her. She had faked being sad just so she could get close to him. But he had seen her willingness to fight Rias for his love which meant there was also a bit of a yandere in her too.

Y/N sighed as he reached his front door. He never knew woman were so complicated. He also had no idea there were names for certain personalities too. Issei may have been trying to help but he really just made things more difficult for him.

Y/N pushed open the door and found an irritated Rias reading a book at the kitchen. Y/N wanted to hug her like he usually did but he was covered in sweat.

"Rias? Is everything okay?" He asked.

Rias looked up at him from her book. She was annoyed. "Your girlfriends here."

"My...what?" Y/N blinked.

Suddenly, the door to the bathroom opened. Amy stepped out wearing nothing but a towel that didn't do a great job of covering her because her large breasts needed most of it. Her purple hair was damp and flowed freely down her body.

She spotted Y/N by the door. "You're home!"

Y/N was too shocked to say anything. "I-I... What are you doing here?"

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