Chapter 51: Kuoh: Become Human

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      All the members of the ORC stood outside of the homeroom that morning with their ears to the doors. Why hadn't they gone inside? That morning, they had arrived to the sound of arguing.

They listened as best they could to the verbal match between Y/N and Rias. They weren't sure what they were shouting about.

"I am more than capable!" They heard Y/N yell.

"I don't think you are! You're an Angel!" Rias yelled back.

They kept looking at each other but none of them had a clue about what was going on. Y/N and Rias hadn't really argued before. Akeno had seen their small spat that time before Kokabiel arrived but that was it. They usually got on quite well.

"What do you think they're fighting about?" Issei asked.

"I'm not sure," Kiba replied.

Asia put her hands in a praying position "I sure hope they don't break up. They look so good together."

"Yes...however, it would be less competition," Xenovia schemed.

"Ara ara, you've become quite daring, Xenovia. There was a time when you didn't like Y/N-kun," Akeno said.

"Yes, but that was before I saw the potential he held," Xenovia disputed. "It would be more beneficial if he and Buchou were no longer a couple."

Asia gasped. "Xenovia, that's a horrible thing to say."

Xenovia didn't appear to be bothered by Asia's complaint.

"Xenovia," Akeno spoke. "You seem very determined to have Y/N-kun's children."

"I am. His genetics shall merge with mine to make an incredible child," Xenovia practically threatened.

"Ara ara. It's beginning to sound like we'll have to fight for Y/N-kun," She pointed out with a smile.

Xenovia narrowed her eyes. "I'm starting to think that also."

"Do you believe you can take me?" Akeno questioned.

"I was a Devil hunter long before I met you," The blue-haired Devil shot back.

"Hey," Issei whispered. "They've stopped fighting."

It was true. None of them could hear Y/N or Rias anymore. All of them put their ears back on the door and they listened intently.

Suddenly, both of the doors were swung open by an invisible force. All of them yelped as they tumbled into the homeroom on top of each other.

They all managed to look up and they saw Y/N's glowing hand that he'd used to open the door from across the room. An annoyed Rias was hiding her face in her hand.

It looked like parents had caught their kids doing something they weren't supposed too.

"Oh no," Issei muttered.

Y/N put his arm down. "I'm assuming you heard all of that."

"Actually, we only heard about half of it," Xenovia corrected.

They all got up to their feet and dusted off their clothes. Asia and Gasper meekly hid behind some of the taller Devils.

"What are you two fighting about anyway?" Issei asked.

Rias lifted her scowling face away from her hand. "You shouldn't have been spying on us."

Most of the ORC bowed their heads. The ones that didn't were Akeno and Xenovia. Xenovia had a problem taking orders if she didn't like them and Akeno was just too interested.

An Angel In Kuoh | High School DxD X Male Angel ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now