Chapter 18: Gremory Vs Phenex Part 3

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      An explosion of pure Phenex fire rocked the entire Occult Research Club building. Inside the building was only Rias and Asia. As per an agreement with Y/N, Rias was going to stay behind in the base with Asia while Kiba and Issei distracted Riser's pieces so Y/N could sneak into his base and take him down.

Unfortunately, it hadn't gone as smoothly as planned.

Riser had seen through their plan and had taken matters into his own hands. He'd snuck out of his base and attacked the ORC.

His explosion completely wiped out a section of the old building but luckily, Rias had put up a magic shield to protect her and Asia. When the rumbling stopped, Rias saw that the homeroom she and her Bishop were in was relatively unharmed.

'Riser must have blown a hole in the building to get in. He must be desperate,' Rias theorised.

From inside the building, she had heard Grayfia's announcement. All that remained on her team was her Pawn, Issei and her consultant, Y/N. Fortunately, she'd also heard that Riser had lost all of his pieces meaning he was the only one left. That proved to her that he was actually desperate.

Rias was brought of her musings when the doors to the ORC were forcefully blown open, almost ripping them off their hinges. Rias glared hard at the culprit while Asia hid behind her Master.

Despite the fact that he was the only member of his side left, Riser appeared calm, he even had a smirk on his face.

"Rias, my love," Riser greeted, making Rias feel sick in her stomach. "Would you like to surrender now and save yourself any future embarrassment?"

Rias sneered at the offer. "Don't mock me, Riser. You're the only one left on your side while I still have three members left."

Riser's smirk faltered slightly. "Yes, that was misfortunate. But unless your Bishop has any hidden talents, you're all alone here."

Before Rias could reply, Riser's hands were encompassed in burning flames. Out his back sprouted two giant Phoenix wings made of the exact same fire that was around his hands.

Quickly, Rias summoned another red magic shield just as Riser launched another powerful blast of fire at the two.

Asia yelped and clutched onto Rias' shoulder. Rias herself was doing her best to hold back his flames. However, shards of flames managed to poke around the shield, burning her clothes. Her natural endurance managed to keep her from getting badly burned, but it still stung.

Riser ceased his attack after his arms been strained long enough. He allowed his flames to diminish and his wings to disappeared. He saw that Rias was still holding up her magic circle but he also saw that it was flickering, meaning he had done damage to it.

Rias dropped her shield which revealed both her and her Bishop. Asia was physically fine as Rias had protected her, but the same couldn't be said about Rias herself.

The redhead's clothes had been badly burnt. She'd lost her sleeves and the ends of her skirt had been scorched. The cloth around her right breast had also been burnt which allowed Riser to see entire right boob and areola.

From behind her, Asia used her Twilight Healing to heal Rias' injuries. The green light shone from behind the Ruin Princess.

Riser smirked at his fiancée while Rias masked her fatigue with a scowl. "I'll offer you an easy out one more time, my darling. Surrender yourself to me, and I'll let the rest of your peerage leave free of harm," Riser spoke nicely, but his tone left Rias disgusted.

"I'll...never give myself to you," Rias adamantly refused.

Riser looked at the floor and chuckled to himself. "I had a feeling you would say that. But don't worry, you'll love me soon."

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