Chapter 33: Let's Start a War

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      Y/N had spent the entire day trying to focus on his classes, but he just couldn't. He was too worried about the threat that was Kokabiel. The Devils didn't understand but that's not their fault.

He'd gone to the church that Xenovia and Irina were habiting in until their mission was over. The two girls were still in their white robes.

"Alright, so you said you'd have a plan the next time we met. I sure hope you have one," Y/N said.

"We have. We won't accomplish much as a group. You'll take the East side of the city and Irina and I will take the West side. If you find anything, give Irina a call," Xenovia revealed her plan.

Y/N had also given Irina his contact information when he had arrived, as per her request.

'Really? That's the plan? Split up and hope for the best,' Y/N inwardly commented.

"You got it," He said out loud. He'd already pissed Xenovia off by not giving her the Excalibur he'd taken so he should at least go along with her plan. "But we should check in on less populated places. Fallen Angels aren't going to want to hang around in places surrounded by Humans."

The two nodded. "Right," They both simultaneously said.

Y/N was glad that they were listening to him. They may not have trust between them, but at the very least they could work together.

"Alright, let's move."


Y/N soared through the sky. He made sure he was high up enough so he wouldn't be spotted but also not too far up so he couldn't see everything in detail.

He had been flying for a while now and he had yet to see anything out of the ordinary, by Angel standards anyway. He had been searching through abandoned buildings but he hadn't seen any Fallen Angels yet.

However, as he flew over a forest, he spied something in the middle of a clearing. It was an old familiar abandoned building that people tried to avoid.

Y/N had no way of telling if anyone was there so he flew down. He made sure he did everything he could to stay undetected, unfortunately, he failed to notice anyone. They were either not here or well hidden.

As he approached the building, he remembered where he'd seen it before. 'That's the abandoned observatory where I fought my first Rogue Devil,' He recalled the events of him killing the Rogue, Viser.

Y/N didn't fly to the floor, but instead, landed on a platform next to the windows. He put his wings away so he could stay hidden for as long as possible.

The window was already smashed so he could see inside. He peered through but saw nothing. He could see the remnants of their fight with Viser such as the tossed boxes and crates. The hole in the wall created by Viser's acid nipple attack was still there.

He slipped through the window and stealthily moved around. He dropped to the ground and rolled after hitting the ground. He was a little louder than he would have preferred but he had still been relatively quiet.

Since Y/N was inside the room, he could sense something. There was the stench of Fallen Angels inside. It was difficult to tell how recent they'd been here but he could tell that they had been here.

He walked around the room but it seemed empty.

"Damn it," He muttered, assuming that this place was a bust.

"How ya doin!?" A loud and annoying voice shouted out.

Y/N quickly spun around and found the source of the voice on the second-floor balcony. Freed was positioned like a frog on top of the balcony's metal gate.

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