Chapter 17: Gremory Vs Phenex Part 2

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      "I'm Y/N, consultant to Rias Gremory, and Angel of the Lord."

"Consultant, huh?" Ravel repeated as she crossed her arms. "So she doesn't even deem you worthy of joining her peerage."

"If you must now, I declined her offer to join as I prefer being an Angel," Y/N informed. "Allow me to show you why."

Ravel rolled her eyes. "Jeez, are all men this prideful? It really does leave a bad taste in my mouth."

"That's the quite the sharp tongue you have there little girl," Y/N commented.

Ravel's eye twitched at his comment. she hated it when people called her a little girl. She may not be as old as her brother Riser, but that didn't make her a child.

"Do you want to die?" Ravel questioned. "Are all Angels this suicidal?"

"Why don't you come and find out," Y/N invited her over to face him.

However, Ravel let out a giggle and smiled. "Oh, excuse me, but I'm not fighting. Mira, deal with him."

As per her order, the blue-haired girl, Mira, spun her staff in her hand to show off. She stopped spinning it and held it behind her back while also adopting a stance.

Surprisingly, Y/N didn't bother to take a stance, but instead just stood there like an idiot. This caused Ravel to raise a brow.

Mira glared with a burning resentment at Y/N. "The last time we met, you humiliated me in front of Riser-sama."

"Well, if it's any consolation, he probably won't see me do it again this time," Y/N mocked with a small smirk.

Mira growled through her grit teeth before she rushed at Y/N. The last time they'd faced off, she had been trying to ram the end of her staff into Issei's stomach only for Y/N to intervene and grab it. This time around, she was going to play it differently.

When Mira got close enough, she thrusted her staff forward but at Y/N's head. The speed of which she moved would be impossible for human eyes to see, but no-one in this pocket universe was Human at all.

Y/N saw her attack coming and so he easily leaned his head to the side and allowed the spear to fly over his shoulder.

Mira gasped in shock. She hadn't even seen him react to her rushing at him but he'd been able to dodge her attack. Was this the power of an Angel?

Because she missed her attack, Mira stumbled forward. Y/N turned his body to the side and put his foot out which caused her to tumble forward and comedically land flat on her face.

"Maybe Riser needs to observe his servants powers more than just their bodies," Y/N spoke down to her, not like he had much of a choice.

Mira growled once again. She rolled onto her back and kicked her legs up. She flipped herself to her feet and held her staff in front of her.

Once again, she ran at Y/N with more ferocity then logic in her mind. Her training had been clouded by her drive to make up for losing to him.

She swung her staff this time instead of thrusting it. Y/N knelt down and let it pass over him. The gust of wind it created blew his hair a bit. She swung it down but he rose up and dodged to the side.

Mira continued her onslaught of attacks that Y/N would avoid seamlessly. He would duck and weave around her attacks which did nothing but add fuel to her fire.

Ravel groaned from where she stood. "It appears Mira's bit off more than she can chew. Seriously, she is useless with that staff," Ravel then turned her attention to the two Nekomata twins. "Pawns, Ni and Ri! Get in there!"

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