Chapter 37: Girl / Girl / Girl / Boy

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      Y/N had seen some truly horrific sights in his long life, most of which happened during the events of The Great War. Some of those events included; The Massacre of Devils and Angels alike in Lucifaad, Lucifer's old territory, The Battle of Agares, and the One-Hundred-Day Fight Above the Atmosphere.

But even the most gruesome of events couldn't compare to what Y/N was staring at.

Y/N and the Occult Research Club, including their newest member, Xenovia, stood by the side of a large swimming pool that there were looking down at. However, instead of the swimming pool being full of freshwater, it was filled with dirt, mud, and other things that Y/N had never seen before.

"Good Father, that's a sight," The Angel commented.

"It hasn't been cleaned since last year," Rias informed. She didn't seem affected by the disgusting pool.

"And we're supposed to clean this?" Issei complained. Honestly, Y/N didn't blame him for that.

"Why does the Occult Research Club have to clean the pool?" The recently Incarnated Devil, Xenovia, asked.

"It would usually be the job of the Student Council, but since they helped us fight Kokabiel, I volunteered to do it," Rias told them. "In exchange for cleaning the pool, we get to take a dip before anyone else."

"Yeah, but why are we doing it?" Issei questioned before he pointed over to Y/N. "Can't you just 'dust' it?"

"No, I can't just 'dust' it. That's not how my power works," Y/N replied.

"Why not? You turned that altar into dust, didn't you?" Issei asked.

"That was a solid object. I have no idea what's in this pool but it's more than just one substance. I'd get tired before it would all go," Y/N informed. "And besides, why should I do all the work!?"

Rias smiled at her consultant and her Pawns antics. "In the name of the Occult Research Club, let's make this pool cleaner than it has ever been before!"

Everyone nodded at their Master. Y/N, however, dropped his face into his hands.

"I was one of the most feared Angels in history, killer of Devils and Fallen Angels alike, and now here I am cleaning a pool in a high school," He moaned, disappointed in himself. "It's times like this that make me miss the war."


Y/N, Issei, and Kiba were in the male changing rooms and next to them in the female changing rooms were the other five girls. Issei was drooling at the thought of seeing the five in their swimsuits while Kiba was off in his own little world.

The two had to change into their gym clothes so their uniforms wouldn't get dirty or wet. Y/N didn't have a gym uniform so he had brought his dark blue outfit.

He slid off his jacket and folded it on the bench. He loosened his tie and placed it on top of his jacket. He kicked his shoes off and pulled his pants down. He put on his blue shorts. Next came his shirt.

Unintentionally, Issei had turned around and in doing so, he'd seen Y/N's back as he took his white shirt off. Clear as day on his back were ten crescent scars. They were equally placed among his upper back.

Issei thought back to Y/N's fight with Kokabiel. He hadn't seen him like that before. He was so full of anger and pain and it scared him. When Kokabiel had told them all about God being dead and how he'd ripped off Y/N's ten wings that Issei didn't know he had, he'd been very shocked. Staring at his scars showed him that it was all real.

"Save the staring for someone else," Y/N spoke, feeling Issei's eyes on him.

Issei blinked and shook his head after zoning out. "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare."

An Angel In Kuoh | High School DxD X Male Angel ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now