Chapter 54: Holiday Hell

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      Y/N had gone into the academy that morning expecting to have a normal day, but he was surprised when he was bombarded with questions about what he was going to do during the break by other students in his class.

He had replied saying that he didn't know what that was. Apparently, there was a dedicated time in-between academy terms where students would stay home and do what they wanted instead of going to class.

He felt jealous knowing that Humans had this while he didn't get a day off during The Great War.

After this was revealed to him, he went to the ORC where everyone else already was. However, as he walked into the room, he realised that they were not alone. It was too early to deal with the problem so he just ignored it instead.

He joined Rias on the couch. "I was just informed about the break."

"Yes, I wasn't sure if you were aware or not," She replied, casually.

"Of course, this will be your first break, won't it?" Kiba asked on the opposite couch.

Y/N nodded. "I hadn't had even heard of it before this morning," He explained. He turned back to Rias. "Do you have any plans?"

"I will be returning to the Underworld," Rias revealed.

"Huh? The Underworld? What for?" He asked. He hadn't expected her to say that.

"I always go home during the breaks," She told him. "Is that a problem?"

"No, it's not a problem. I just didn't know, that's all," He attempted to hide the hurt in his voice.

Rias moved closer to him and put her hands on his cheeks. She turned him towards her so they were staring each other in the eyes.

"I did plan on telling you. I would never up and leave you, Y/N," She promised. She removed her hands from his face. "Besides, you'll all be coming with me anyway. So, pack your things for a long trip."

"What?" Issei questioned.

"We're going too?" Asia asked.

"You are all my servants after all. You will be accompanying me," Rias clarified.

"I'm not," Y/N interrupted.

"Yes, but you are my consultant," Rias corrected.

"And as your consultant, I have the right to deny your requests, which is what I'm doing," He informed.

The others gave him a weird look. Y/N had never denied Rias before. Why was he doing it this time?

"You...don't want to go?" This time, it was Rias with the hurt voice. "Why not?"

He sighed before answering. "Even though there is now a Peace Treaty, it doesn't mean everyone's going to be immediately on board with it. They're going to need time to adjust, and bringing an Angel to the Devil Realm isn't a good idea, especially one of my stature."

"We may be visiting the Underworld, but we'll be spending our time in the Gremory-clan's territory," Rias explained. "The general Devil public won't be seeing us, so don't worry."

"Even then...are you sure everyone's going to be alright with you bringing an Angel to your home. Not to offend anyone in your family, but not everyone's as impartial as I am," He worried.

Rias smiled at him. She should have known that he would have his doubts. After fighting Devils and Fallen Angels alike for so long, how could he not?"

Rias lay her hand on top of his. "You don't need to worry. My family trust me and they'll welcome anyone I bring home, even if they are not a Devil. Even if you don't trust them, you can trust me, okay."

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