Chapter 29: Everyone Wants to go to Heaven

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Y/N scanned around the room and saw that she wasn't there. The bed they shared was devoid of its second occupant. The spot she slept in was messy and the duvet had been moved out of the way.

Last night had been amazing. Y/N had finally gone on a date with Rias and it was just as fantastic as he hoped it would be. Thanks to Issei's and Akeno's input, he had made the perfect date for Rias and himself.

When they'd got home, Rias had shown how much she cared for him by asking that he called her by her first name. It may not seem like much to the average person, but it mattered to the two of them. It was a sign of closeness Y/N wanted to have with her.

Now though, he was a little worried. She wasn't in the bedroom and her clothes were missing from their usual spot on the floor, meaning someone had taken them.

The door to the bedroom suddenly opened. Y/N turned to the door and saw Rias, but he was quite surprised to see what she was wearing.

Rias entered the room wearing a towel around her body that reached down to her thighs and covered her breasts. She had a second one wrapped on her head for her hair. Obviously, she had just come out of the shower.

"Did you call me?" She asked, unaware of Y/N's staring.

Y/N didn't know what to say. Rias had always been a sexually appealing girl. He hadn't thought that when he had first met her but after everything they've done together, it was hard not to stare at her body. The water made her skin glisten, making her even sexier.

Rias caught his surprised eyes and smiled deviously. "Did you miss me that much?"

Rias started walking over to Y/N with swaying hips that his eyes were magnetised too. He was sitting up so the cover hid something underneath.

Rias closed her eyes and made a blissful face as she pulled the towel off her head. Her still damp red hair flowed down. She ran a hand through it which made Y/N's sex drive accelerate. Rias was one of the sexiest women he'd ever met.

Surprising him again, Rias seated herself in his lap, grinding lightly on him. She wrapped her hands around his neck and stared lovingly into his eyes. His own shocked ones stared back into her.

"What's wrong? Something got your tongue?" She questioned as she leaned in closer.

Y/N's face heated up. "W-what are you doing, Miss Gremory?"

Rias leaned back a bit. "I thought we agreed that you'd call me Rias from now on," She stated.

Y/N regretted his mistake. "You're right, sorry, Rias."

At the mention of her name, Rias got back in the mood again. She removed her hands from Y/N's neck only to put his hands on her. She moved them forward so they were holding her waist. She put her hands back around his shoulders.

She moved her red lips close to his ear. "Now, show me how much I mean to you."

Y/N blushed strongly but he received her loud and clear. It was so embarrassing to say, but he enjoyed it when Rias took control, probably because she always did. He couldn't wait for the day when he would be in charge, making her do what he wanted her to do.

His thoughts made him just as aroused as she was. His hands tightened around her waist which made her moan against his skin. The Angel leaned forward and planted his lips on her neck.

The feeling sent sparks across Rias' body. He kissed at her neck which made her arms squeeze around him. She moved her head up which allowed him to kiss more of her sensitive skin. She laced her fingers in the back of his hair.

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