Chapter 63: Off to Hell

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      The Archangel Y/N made it to the academy quicker than he ever had before. His twelve wings gave him both incredible speed and stamina. He had made it to Kyoto that quickly because of his wings.

As he arrived, he spotted a giant dome over the main building and the absence of the ORC building. He flew in closer and was horrified to see that the building had been reduced to rubble and ash.

He then started to notice all of the others. All of them were unconscious on the ground. Some of them were in worse conditions than the others. Rossweisse seemed to only be unconscious while Kiba's leg was bent the wrong way.

Y/N located Rias lying still in the middle of a clearing of burnt wood.

"No..." He whispered in fear.

He curled his wings and dropped to the ground like a rocket going to space, except he was going to 8n the opposite direction. He flew upright and landed a few feet away from her. He hid his wings behind his back.

"Rias!" He yelled as he slid to his knees.

He picked her up in his arms. She was bleeding a bit from her side but she seemed alright apart from that.

Slowly, Rias' eyes fluttered open. Her blurry vision showed a distorted image in front of her. The shapes came together to form the face of Y/N. He stared at her with intense worry.

"Y-Y/N..." Her voice was almost inaudible.

"Hey, it's me," He assured. "Are you alright?"

Rias swallowed a lump in her throat. "He was here...Luc...Lucif..."

It was confirmed. Y/N felt an ungodly rage brew in his chest. Seeing all of his friends like this was starting to send him to the point of no return.

Rias hand grazed across his arm. He watched as she dipped her fingers in-between her breasts. Y/N was surprised by the vulgar action.

However, he grew curious when she pulled out a folded bit of paper. He gently took it from her hands. He unfolded it with a hand.

He read over the note and his anger returned. It was a meetup place. Y/N recognised the place immediately.

Rias was still attempting to comprehend everything. She needed to check on her servants but her body was so weak. She needed time to rest more than ever.

Rias felt her body shift. She saw that Y/N had lowered her back down on the ground.

She caught the look on his face. It was a rage she hadn't seen before. If she had full control over her body again, she would be trying to calm him down.

Her hand weakly reached out and just managed to grab a bit of his jacket. Y/N stopped as he didn't want to move and hurt her.

The Archangel turned back to her.

"Please...don't go..." Rias pleaded to her consultant.

"I'm sorry. I brought this on you. I should have known coming back would do this," He rambled.

Y/N put out two of his fingers that released a little bit of Angelic blue light. He moved them to her head.

"No. Don't," Rias begged as she couldn't move on her own.

Y/N's fingers tapped her forehead. Rias instantly fell asleep but Y/N caught her head before she hit the ground.

Y/N rose to his feet. Looking around, all he saw was destruction and defeat. Some of them lay in ditches while others lay unconscious against the trees they'd collided with.

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