Chapter 56: Of Cats and Men

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      The first Angel, Y/N, stealthily ran through the forest. Thousand of years worth of training and missions had taught him to remain unseen. He ran quietly through the forest outside of the conference party to discuss the Khaos Brigade and any other terrorist groups.

After he'd seen Koneko make a run for the elevator, Y/N wasted no time following her. He could just about hear her footsteps and breathing but he could tell that she was moving very fast.

Finally, she came to a stop. She panted a little. Y/N came to halt surrounded by trees. He hugged next to one and ducked down.

Koneko stood in a clearing, staring up at a large tree. Y/N had noticed that she'd been acting a little different than normal but why would she sprint outside like that?

"Hello, Shirone," A woman's voice said from above.

Y/N looked up at the tree to see who was talking. He spotted a young woman wearing a very revealing black kimono laying down on the branch. She had black hair with split bangs and hazel-gold eyes. She was very voluptuous and very attractive.

However, Y/N wasn't focusing on her body, he was still confused by the name 'Shirone'. He hadn't heard that name before and the only person here besides him was Koneko.

"Kuroka-neesama," Koneko glared.

'Neesama?' Y/N inwardly question. 'Koneko-chan has a sister?'

From above, Kuroka smiled. "I only sent a little bit of my Ki your way, and you came rushing over. Your big sister is really moved."

Y/N blinked in surprise. 'Ki? As in the Senjutsu arts?'

The Senjutsu arts are both very impressive and very dangerous. It allows the user to use their spirit and life-force to control living energy, also known as Ki, in sentient beings. They can use it to strengthen themselves and heal any injuries. It also allows them to take in Ki from other things such as plants or animals. However, Senjutsu can also absorb evil Ki which can drive the user insane and corrupt them.

Y/N hadn't heard of the name in a long time because it was a difficult thing to control. These magic arts weren't really something an Angel like him desired to learn.

Y/N realised that he had to be careful. Senjutsu also allowed a person to sense aura meaning that he had to stay hidden.

Koneko continued to glare at her sister. "Neesama, what is the meaning of this?"

"Don't make such a scary face," Kuroka's childish voice didn't compare well with her adult body. "I heard there was a big party happening around here and it just happened to pique my curiosity. Nya~"

As soon as she meowed, Y/N located something else on her. She had two cat ears sticking out from atop her head and she also had two black tails.

"Another Nekomata?" Y/N stated, thinking back to the time when he fought two of Riser's pawns who were also Nekomata. "But two tails? She's stronger than most." He knew a Nekomata's power level could be determined by how many tails they had.

"Why did you come here?" Koneko wasn't in a happy mood.

"Shirone, I came to pick you up," Kuroka answered. "I ran away so desperately that I wasn't able to take you with me."

Y/N thought for a second. "Could it be that Koneko-chan is actually Shirone?"

Y/N hadn't realised yet, but there was a shadowy figure sneaking up behind him. The person extended their hand to touch his shoulder.

All of a sudden, Y/N spun around and grabbed their hand. He used his other hand to cover their mouth so they didn't alert the sisters.

Rias stared in shock. After seeing that it was her, Y/N removed his hands.

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