Chapter 38: Generations

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      Y/N got changed back into his normal attire and headed towards the academy gates. He needed a lie down after everything that had happened today.

He had embarrassed Rias, had an intense make-out session with Akeno and convinced Xenovia to have children later on in life. All in all, it had been a strenuous day, and it was only mid-day.

However, someone was leaning on the gate. It was a handsome young guy with spiky dark silver hair and light blue eyes. He had a low cut dark green V-neck shirt with a black leather jacket over it. He wore burgundy jeans with a silver chain hanging from them.

The newcomer looked up and stared at Y/N who stared back.

"Hello again, Nephew."


"Stop calling me nephew," Vali shot back.

"Of course. What are you doing here, Vali? What's this about?" Y/N asked as he got closer to Vali Lucifer.

"Is the Red Dragon Emperor around?" He questioned, ignoring Y/N's own questions.

"If you think I'm going to let the two of you fight in broad daylight in a public space then prepare to be disappointed," Y/N immediately laid down the rules.

Vali chuckled and held his hands up. "Relax. There'd be no point in fighting him yet. We both know he's not strong enough to defeat me. He wasn't have been able to even defeat Kokabiel at his current level. They're lucky they have you or they all would have died that night."

'You're wrong. I'm lucky to have them,' Y/N inwardly corrected.

"If you're not here to fight Issei then what do you want?" The Angel asked.

Vali lowered his hands and put them in his pockets. "Do you want to get a drink?"


Y/N and Vali sat across from each other in a small restaurant. The two had chosen two red booths seated next to a window. It was a lovely little place but that didn't change the fact that Y/N was lost.

To anyone passing by, they could have confused Y/N and Vali for being on a date when in actuality, one of them was an Angel around four and a half billion years old while the other was a Devil who possessed a Dragon inside of him. Not to mention they were related.

Vali was causally looked through the menu while Y/N remained wary. This could be a trap for all he knew.

"This isn't a trap," Vali declared, not looking up from the menu. "If I wanted you dead then I'd do it myself."

Y/N actually snorted. "I'm a war veteran, Vali. Do you really think you could kill me?"

"Kokabiel nearly did," Vali pointed out. "If it was me, he wouldn't have laid a hand on me."

"Obviously, you wear armour," Y/N reminded.

"True, or maybe you're getting slow in your old age. You said you're a veteran, well, say hello to the new generation," Vali replied, smugly.

Y/N shook his head. "I don't know what you are Vali but you're definitely not a part of this new generation. They'd rather go to protests and buy iPhones. What do you prefer to do again? Train?"

"You'd know if you were any part of my life," Vali replied simply.

"Excuse m-" Y/N began.

A waitress appeared next to the two. She had short red hair and brown eyes. She smiled at the two.

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