Chapter 66: The Great War #2 Part 2

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      A loud boom could be heard and they saw someone get blasted in the air and collide with a wall. It was so loud that everyone, who wasn't fighting, turned to the sight.

Everyone gasped when they realised that it had been Sirzechs who got shot up. The Great Satan peeled off the wall and fell to the ground.

"Brother..." Rias whispered in disbelief.

Y/N's eyes narrowed. He shot forward, leaving the four of them behind.

Lucifer had just taken him out. Y/N had no choice but to get himself involved.

All Hell was about to break loose.


      Michael pushed himself off the ground. He wiped a bit of blood from his nose. Lucifer was stronger than he remembered.

Lucifer smirked down at him. "You've gotten weak, older brother. While you've been spending all your time in meetings and watching over a chair, I've been down here getting stronger."

Gabriel rushed in and tried to attack him. Without even looking, Lucifer thrusted his hand out and caught Gabriel by the neck.

The blonde Archangel struggled in his grip. She couldn't get out of his hand. She then started gasping when Lucifer began squeezing her neck.

Suddenly, something punched him square in the jaw. Lucifer tumbled and released Gabriel. The Archangel jumped into the air and got away from him.

Lucifer looked to see who hit him. He was greatly confused as he watched a dismembered metal arm fly away from him.

Azazel smirked as his metal arm rejoined his body at the healed stump.

Lucifer chuckled. "Azazel. You've still got all those trick up your sleeve I see."

"It's a hobby of mine," Azazel shrugged.

"I'll be sure to nail it to God's throne once I pry it from your corpse," Lucifer noted. He planned on taking a bit of something from everyone when he got up. Something like Gabriel's jewellery, Michael's head, Y/N's wings. Something along those lines.

Lucifer got back to his feet. "Alright then. Let's play some gam-"

Y/N slammed into him and dragged his back through the bone-made floor. He picked him up and pushed him almost through the bone wall. He made sure to not to let Lucifer disappear through the wall this time.

Lucifer couldn't do anything as Y/N landed punch after punch on his stomach and face.

Y/N grabbed him by the collar and chucked him over the blood river and back to the land.

Lucifer groaned as he started to get back. "Was all that really necessar-"

Y/N appeared in front of him and kicked him in the face. Lucifer flew back but he was more annoyed about the fact that Y/N wouldn't let him finish a sentence.

Lucifer growled as he got up. "Fine then. Let's do it your way."

Lucifer grabbed the top of his robe and tore off his body, leaving him in the same coloured pants and without a shirt. He was as muscular as the day God made him.

"Don't forget, brother of mine. You asked for this."

To their surprise, Lucifer's body was surrounded in red light. No-one was close to him but they made sure to get even further away.

Lucifer started yelling out as his body changed. His skin started going darker until his skin looked like it had been burnt black. They watched as red climbed up around his body like it was a tribal tattoo.

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