Chapter 47: Desires Part 1

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      "So, there you have it."

The Occult Research Club, Sona and Tsubaki, and Y/N stared at the newcomer sitting on Rias' chair in the homeroom.

Azazel smirked to himself. "Starting from today, I will be the Occult Research Club's official advisor."

"What in the nine levels of Hell is going on?" Y/N questioned to himself.

What is going on here?" Rias queried.  

Azazel with crossed arms and a slight scowl. "I asked Sirzechs about it, and he told me to talk to Serafall's little sister," Azazel replied.

Everyone's heads turned towards Sona who had her usual blank face. "If I didn't then my sister threatened...begged to come here."

"You basically sold us out, didn't you?" Rias asked.

"I was left with no choice," Sona replied.

Y/N shook his head. "So...what you're telling me is...he's my advisor?"

Sona nodded. "That was the deal, yes."

"I'm older than him!" Y/N exclaimed, pointing a finger at the Fallen Angel.

"I'll tell yah, I'm advising your group on the condition that I properly train the three Sacred Gears you all possess. From what I've seen, you haven't exactly been training them," Azazel commented.

Y/N narrowed his eyes. "Well in-between stopping an arranged marriage, fighting your underlings, and stopping the second coming of The Great War, I've not had time to get around to it," Y/N replied.

"I know, but that's why I'm here," Azazel's smirk grew. "Being your sensei is just an added bonus."

"Unless you want to lose your second arm, I suggest you shut your mouth, crow," Y/N glowered. "Speaking of which, what's with the new arm?"

Where Azazel's stump had been was now a brand-new arm. That same arm began to separate revealing all the metal pieces beneath it. The fingers stretched out like spider legs until finally, he combined them all together to make a drill. His hand went back to normal.

"I made this while I was researching Sacred Gears. It's a multi-purpose arm. Allow me to test it out on you in a duel," He offered.

Y/N glared, irritated. He took a step forward but Rias stepped in-between the middle of the two.

"Azazel, stop agitating my consultant," Rias requested. Y/N calmed down a little.

Azazel chuckled. "I suppose I should. A battle like ours could level this beautiful town. Oh, and it's 'Azazel-sensei' now."

Despite just ending a fight before one could begin, Rias' glare rivalled Y/N's own.

"Now then, I should probably be going," Azazel stated as he got up from Rias' chair. "I'll leave you all to your own devices, but remember, classes start again tomorrow."

Azazel walked around the couch, avoiding all of the Devils. He and Y/N caught each other's eye before Azazel left the room and closed the door behind him.

Y/N sighed and folded his arms. "I hate him."

"I'm not a fan of him either," Rias said. "Coming in here, undermining me like that. I don't care that my brother sent him."

Y/N turned to Sona. "Would it have been that bad to have Sera-chan here instead of him?"

Sona kept her straight face. "If she was here then I would not be able to get any work done."

"So now I have to work with that insolent crow? Great," Y/N was far from happy.

Rias sighed. "You should all head home for now. I'll see all tomorrow for classes."

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