Chapter 39: We Found Love in a Hellish Place Part 1

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      A small group of people, mainly made up of girls, were surrounding the notice board at the entrance. They were gossiping about something that was hanging up on the board. They were blushing and giggling.

Amongst the crowd was Issei who stood a bit further back than the girls, but he had already seen what they were admiring. He had been quite surprised to see it but now he couldn't wait to mock the person involved.

Y/N pushed open the door to the main hall and stepped in. Every time he entered the hall, he thought back to the time where he defeated three of Riser's Pawns and his Bishop, who was also his sister, quite brutally.

This morning, things seemed different. He was used to people giving him looks but something was off today. There were more people than usual blushing at him and a few of the guys were smirking smugly at him.

"There he is!" Issei yelled, attracting Y/N's attention. "The man of the hour."

Y/N titled his head, confused. "The man of the what?"

Issei approached Y/N and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Come on."

The Red Dragon Emperor led the first Angel over to the notice board he walked past every day. He never needed to look at it so Y/N had never read anything on it. The board was used to promote clubs but he was already a part of one...kind of.

One of the girls in the crowd spotted Y/N and Issei coming over to them. She immediately began whispering to the others. They blushed at him before running off further into the school.

Y/N watched them leave with a raised eyebrow before he saw what they had been staring at. His eyes widened in shocked confusion while Issei crossed his arms and smirked.

Pinned to the notice board was a picture of Y/N. Had it been a picture he had consented for, he would have been alright with it. However, the picture showed him shirtless in the changing rooms. The image showed off his muscles but luckily, his scars were hidden.

Y/N tore the picture from the wall to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him. To his horror, what he was seeing was real. Someone had taken a shirtless picture of him and hung it up on the notice board.

Y/N held it up by the top of it. "What is this?" He ordered.

Issei held up his hands but he was still smiling. "Don't ask me. I don't know anything about it. It was there when I got here.

Y/N noticed something behind Issei. There was yet another group of girls hanging around one of the windows, looking rather intently. Unless that happened to be the most interesting window in existence, something else was happening.

He walked over to the girls and stepped in-between them. Taped to the window was the exact same picture. Y/N ripped it from the window, ignoring the looks the girls were giving him and each other.

"How many of these are there?" Y/N asked Issei.

He shrugged. "No idea."

Y/N looked down each corridor he could see down but he couldn't see any more photos.

"Okay, collect all the photos you can and meet me back here," Y/N asked of him.

"What's in it for me?" Issei inquired.

Y/N glared at him, making Issei shiver a bit. "How about you get to carry on living?"

Issei nodded violently. "Yeah, good idea."

The Devil took off up the stairs to locate the images and put some distance between him and the Angel.

The Angel shook his head at the two photos of himself before taking off to find the rest of the images.

An Angel In Kuoh | High School DxD X Male Angel ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now