Chapter 45: Khaos at the Summit Part 2

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      An explosion completely destroyed the summit room and the surrounding area. However, in the midst of fire and smoke was an energy shield created in a split second by Sirzechs, Azazel, and Michael. Inside was all the members of the ORC plus Sona, Tsubaki, Irina, Serafall, and Grayfia,

Standing outside of the shield was an uninjured woman who had destroyed the new building. She was a tall woman with a voluptuous figure and tan skin. She had brown hair tied into a bun and purple eyes that were behind her glasses. She wore a low-cut dress with a slit in the middle which showed off most of her breasts. In her hand was a long black staff that ended with a crab-shaped claw.

Katerea Leviathan, one of the three leaders of the Old Satan Faction and the descendent of Leviathan, smirked at the team of combined factions.

"The leaders of the three factions putting up a protective barrier together? How pitiful!" She laughed.

"What are you trying to achieve, Katerea?" Sirzechs questioned.

"To do exactly what this conference sought not to do. If God and the Satans are gone, this world will be ready for revolution," She informed.

"Stop this, Katerea!" Serafall pleaded.

Katerea scowled at the cosplayer. "Serafall. You are the one that stole the position of Leviathan from me! But don't worry, I'll kill you right here, right now, and then take back the title of Satan Leviathan from you!"

The leaders of the factions lowered the shield protecting them all since the fire was gone.

"Good Heavens," Azazel stepped forward. "I thought this was a big coup by the Devils..."

"But you are after the whole world, aren't you?" Michael finished.

"Yes, Michael," Katerea confirmed. "This world is caught up in making up for the death of God and the Satans. We are going to rebuild this rotting world and cause a revolution!"

Azazel started chuckling at her which caused the previous Leviathan titleholder to glare at him.

"Azazel. What are you laughing about?" She questioned.

"'Rotting'? 'Revolution'? Like I've never heard that before. Whoever says that always dies first," The Fallen Angel leader spoke from experience.

"How dare you insult me!?" She yelled. Her body then began to surround itself in a green glow.

Azazel's body also started to glow green. "May I, Sirzechs, Michael?"

"Katerea, do you have no intention of backing down?" Sirzechs asked.

"No, Sirzechs," She replied. "You were a very good Satan...but I'm sorry to say you were not the best!"

"I see, that's too bad," He responded with a bowed head.

Suddenly, Sirzechs and Michael put the shield back up, making sure to exclude Azazel who floated towards Katerea. The two of them hovered into the sky.

"A descendant of the Leviathan and a beast of the apocalypse... Let's see how Armageddon looks, shall we?" Azazel smirked.

Katerea glared him down. "Puny general of the Fallen Angels!"


From afar, Y/N watched as Azazel and Katerea Leviathan fought each other. He had just been able to overhear the conversation.

"Katerea? She should be at the edge of the Underworld," He stated. "I can't focus on that now."

Y/N stared down at the ORC building. He flew down to it. He didn't care about being stealthy anymore so he flew down and crashed through the ceiling and landed in a corridor.

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