Chapter 30: Holy Sword: Excalibur

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      Y/N flew through the night sky. It was pretty risky because he was visible to Humans but the darkness did hide him. Also, if any Human did see, Y/N could easily wipe their minds since he was pretty full of Angelic power thanks to his recent trips to Heaven.

He had planned to stay in the apartment all night and watch more television, but he had received a call on his brand new cell phone that Rias had forced him to buy. She claimed he was like an old person trying to understand technology...well, he was.

He hadn't figure out everything it could do but he had learnt how to send and receive texts and calls.

Rias hadn't said much in the call but to show up at a certain address. As Y/N flew closer to the address, he saw that it was an abandoned building. Upon closer inspection, it looked like an old factory.

Y/N also spotted a bike leaning next to the wall. He wasn't a bike expert, but he could tell that it was Issei's so he was definitely in the right place.

Y/N flew down to the ground and his feet touched the ground just inside of the gate. He stretched out his shoulder blades and furled his wings so they were out of view.

"Y/N, over here," A female voice called.

Y/N turned and saw his redhead roommate and...girlfriend? Did going on one date mean they were dating?

Y/N also spotted the rest of the peerage in their school uniforms. Either they hadn't had time to get changed, or they preferred to be in their uniform. He wasn't one to judge, all he wore was his messy suit.

"Sorry for calling you out so late," Rias apologised.

"You will be if I miss any more of my shows," He warned before looking at the old building that were cracked and covered in vines. "What's going on here anyway?"

"It's definitely a Rogue Devil," Koneko commented as she adjusted her gloves.

"We've received orders to slay it tonight. That's how dangerous it is," Rias finished. "We're at a disadvantage inside. Asia, stay out of this one."

"Yes, Buchou!" Asia responded.

Rias addressed her peerage. "Akeno, Y/N, and I will wait out here. Koneko, Yuuto, and Issei, you three lure it out."

"Yes, Buchou," Akeno replied.

"Yes," Koneko had a short response as per usual.

Hearing her plan, Y/N got a little closer to Rias. "Are you sure? If you want, I can go in there and get it done with right now," He offered.

Rias shook her head. "I know you could, but tonight I want to see how well my servants perform. You will be on standby just in case."

Y/N agreed with her plan. "Right."

"Okay!" Issei yelled, surprising Y/N. "Boosted Gear!"

A bright light appeared on Issei's arm. When it dispersed, the red gauntlet of the Boosted Gear was visible on his arm. He had a determined smile on his face and his fists were tightly clenched.

'What's got him so energetic?' Y/N mused.

However, Rias noticed something. Kiba was staring off into space. His sword was in his hand but it was like he didn't even care. There was a Rogue Devil inside the building but he didn't seem bothered at all.

"Yuuto?" Rias called.

The others stared at him which seemed to be enough for him to wake up.

"Y-Yes, Buchou," He responded, gripping his sword.

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