Chapter 6: Devilish Deeds

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      Y/N stepped into his shower. The water was a nice hot temperature, and after that day he'd had, nothing could be nicer than this.

However, that perfect dream went away when he felt a pain growing in his back something else other than water roll down.

"Not again," He muttered.

Y/N reached behind his back and touched his shoulder blades. He hissed at the feeling of touching something painful. He retracted his hand and saw that there was no blood splattered onto his skin.

Like he had done many times before, Y/N stretched his hand over to the shelf that was nailed next to the side of his shower. On top of it was a clean grey flannel.

He let the shower water run all over it until it when from hard to soft in his hand. He once again reached his arm around to his back and to the bloody wound he couldn't get rid off.

After a minute or two of scrubbing away the blood, he realised that there was no different.

Y/N sighed in disappointment. He had hoped it wouldn't be as bad today, but after reawakening his powers like that, it was reasonable to assume that this was going to happen.

Very carefully, he unfurled his Angel white wings. They stretched to the sides of the shower but he didn't care where they went, as long as he could still reach his back.

However, being able to reach his back was now much more difficult than before as his wings wouldn't get out of his way.

'Oh. Great.'


Akeno kept smiling on Y/N's couch. She had previously followed Y/N home. She was quite surprised to find out that he lived here. It wasn't exactly a high-quality living space, but from what she could tell, Y/N seemed to quite like it.

She'd snuck into his apartment building and followed him up the stairs. She waited for him to enter his apartment and then wait a couple of minutes. From outside the room, she had heard his shower running and decided on entering the room right there.

She thought she was being stealthy enough to go unnoticed, but her curiosity had gotten the better of her. She had been right outside of his bathroom when he'd shot out of it and pinned her against the wall.

She was very shocked as she thought he hadn't noticed her. But she was able to play it off with a flirty response.

One thing she'd learnt about Y/N was that he was very apologetic, something she made sure to utilise often. She hadn't quite made him embarrassed yet, but she planned on it. It was what her inner sadist see how far she could go with Y/N.

As to why she wanted to do it, truthfully, he interested her. From the moment she'd met him he'd fascinated her. He seemed out of place, and at the time, she had no idea how right she was. Now that she knew who he was, it just made her want to spend even more time with him.

Even though she enjoyed teasing him, she couldn't help but feel there was another reason as to why she liked seeing him. Whatever it was, she hoped it wouldn't go away anytime soon.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a faint noise close by. When she paid attention to it, she realised that, whatever it was, it was coming from the bathroom.

She left her spot on the couch and walked over to the door, remembering to stay extra vigilant this time. She didn't know the full range of Y/N's senses.

She quietly placed her ear to the door much like Y/N had done on the other side when he'd heard her trying to sneak around.

Since she was a Devil, her senses were heightened much like Y/N's were. The average Human being would have not heard anything to want to investigate in the first place, but she had. It was times like this she was extra thankful to Rias for reincarnating her.

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