Chapter 34: Kokabiel Part 1

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      The sky was still a strong shade of purple due to Kokabiel's desire to stay and fight on the Kuoh academy grounds so he could restart the war.

After Kokabiel had attack Rias' peerage and then left, Rias and the others met up with Sona Sitri and her servants outside of the school.

Sona used her powers to create a crystallised dome around the academy. "We've created a protective barrier around the academy. If all goes well, it should contain the damage."

Above the Devils were the rest of Sona's peerage. Their hands were extended as lights appeared from them. They were helping Sona maintain the protective shield.

"Thank you," Rias smiled. "This will really help, Sona."

"However, I can't guarantee it will hold if the situation changes," Sona interjected.

From behind Rias, Issei asked, "Where the hell are Xenovia and Irina?"

Saji, Sona's Pawn that took three pieces also asked, "No sign of Kiba or Y/N, either?"

"No. I've already tried calling Kiba," Issei answered. "I don't know where Y/N is."

"We'll do our best to keep the barrier up," Sona promised. "But the school building may not remain intact. A most regrettable loss."

Rias' eyes narrowed slightly. "I won't let that happen."

Sona glanced back at the redhead. "Rias, we still have time. Call your brother."

Rias smirked. "In that case, shouldn't you call your sister?"

Sona's face darkened. "My family does not... I'm sure your brother loves you dearly. Sirzechs-sama will surely act. So please..."

"I've already contacted Sirzechs-sama," Akeno revealed, stepping forward.

"Akeno!? I didn't ask you to do that!" Rias yelled.

Akeno no longer had her smile. Instead, she wore quite a serious expression. "Rias, although I fully understand that you do not wish to cause trouble for your brother, our enemy is one of the leaders of the Fallen Angels. This enemy is out of your league," Akeno softly smiled. "Let's take the Satan's helping hand."

Rias sighed but Akeno smiled like usual. "I appreciate your approval, Buchou. Sirzechs-sama's reinforcements should arrive in about an hour."

"Good grief, you're always one step ahead of me, aren't you?" Rias grew a little worried pout. "Have you been able to contact, Y/N?"

Akeno's smile faltered. "No, he won't answer my calls."

Rias nodded sadly. Even if she didn't want to admit it, she was going to need help in this battle. Kokabiel was a decorated Fallen Angel leader, having Y/N the Angel with them would tip the scales in their favour greatly.

Rias turned to the dome. "One hour, you say? I guess we'll just have to do our best until backup comes."


Y/N sat alone in his apartment. He was resting on his couch. He had his hand pointed at his chest that released a blue light that was closing up the wound on his chest.

His phone was sitting on the table. It had been buzzing with calls from Akeno but he refused to answer. Even if he did, he couldn't fight right now, not until he healed properly.

He felt both pain and anxiety in his chest. Kokabiel was still on the loose and he had no way of finding him besides waiting around.

The mere thought of that man's name made Y/N scowl. No-one could feel how he felt towards him. Some of the Angels knew why he despised him but they couldn't feel what he felt. Rage was such an ugly emotion to Angels but he felt it a lot.

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