Chapter 12: Desperation

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      "Sleep with me!"


Both Y/N and Rias stared into each other's eyes. Rias' were calling out in need. Y/N's were basically blank.

"Sleep with me?" Y/N echoed, making sure he'd heard her correctly.

"Yes," She begged, fear evident on her face.

Y/N wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but he had a vague idea about what she really meant.

"You want to sleep with me...? In my bed?" He spaced out.

"Yes, Y/N. Sleep with me," She pleaded with him.

"You want to sleep in my bed. Miss Gremory, if this is about the four-thirty training wake up call, I promise you, I'm perfectly capable of waking up on my ow-"

"NO!" She suddenly exclaimed.

Y/N instantly stopped talking. Clearly, he had been wrong about what she meant. He didn't need to ask her to elaborate since she explained what she meant.

"Y/N. I want you to have sex with me."

Y/N felt his eyelids shoot of his face. His eyes were about as wide as the Earth itself. He hadn't realised how wrong he'd been.

"W-what?" He struggled to form any words at all.

All of a sudden, Rias shoved him backwards. Y/N fell to his bed but landed in a sitting position. Before he could get back up, Rias settled herself intimately in his lap.

He looked up at her pleading expression. "Take my virginity. This is urgent!"

Her hands landed on his shoulders and he felt her very lightly grind against his crotch. In a different circumstance that wasn't rushed or forced, he might have enjoyed it.

"What are saying to me?" He queried, concerned for her above anything else.

Rias remained silent, confusing him even more.

He felt her shift above him and he saw that her hands had left his shoulders and were now being used to unzip her skirt. When it was unzipped, she slipped it off her legs and practically threw it to the floor. Her hands went back up and undid the ribbon around her neck.

Y/N's gaze went back down to her slender legs. They were a creamy white and were a perfectly balanced mix of strong and soft.

He looked back up and saw her unbuttoning her shirt. When the buttons were undone, she removed her shirt and dropped it to the floor.

Y/N then realised that Rias Gremory, heiress to the Gremory-clan, was half nude, wearing only; a bra, panties, and calf-high socks, and she was sitting on his lap.

"Do you want me, Y/N," She asked. There wasn't any seduction in her voice like there was with Akeno. It was blank and devoid of all emotion.

"I...I don't..." Y/N begged any higher form of power to let this be a weird dream that he could just forget about.

Rias' hand went up and stroked his cheek. "I considered many options, but this is the only way."

Y/N was growing more confused by the second. 'What's is she on about? She does realise she'd almost naked in my apartment, right?'

Rias continued, "He won't be able to complain once we've sealed the deal."

"What?" Y/N inquired.

"You're the best person to do this with. You're powerful and important and you can't fall. And I imagine it's been a while for you so you can probably climax in a few minutes if I ask you to," She rambled.

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