Chapter 44: Khaos at the Summit Part 1

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      Today was the day of the summit. The ORC, now including Gasper, had gathered in the homeroom. Rias was addressing her servants and Y/N. Koneko was sitting on the couch with Gasper next to her, lying in his cardboard box.

"All right, let's go," Rias said.

"Yes, Buchou," They all said but Y/N who nodded.

"Gasper, you be a good boy while you're here, okay?" Rias spoke to Gasper like a mother would.

"Okay," Gasper answered but his voice was muffled from within the box.

"I don't want your powers running wild if anything happens. Okay?" Rias asked.

Gasper's head burst out of the box. "Y-yes."

"Koneko will stay with you. Keep an eye on him. Okay, Koneko?" Rias addressed her Rook.

"Yes, Buchou," Koneko replied.

Y/N changed his gaze towards an awkward-looking Issei. Y/N shoved his shoulder with his own, nudging him forward. Issei swallowed the lump in his throat and approached Gasper.

He knelt down in front of the blonde who looked worried by his presence. However, he dug into his pocket and pulled out a mobile gaming device.

"Here, take care of yourself," Issei said to him.

Gasper nodded, taking the device. "T-Thank you, Issei-senpai."

Rias raised an eyebrow and turned to her partner. Y/N felt her eyes and turned back. He sent her a wink to show that he had a hand in it.

Rias smiled at him. 'He's always fixing my problems, even when I don't ask him too. He's more than what I deserve.'

"Come on, let's move," Rias said again.

With that said, they prepared themselves for the summit between the three factions. This should be fun and not tense in the slightest.


"We're coming in," Rias announced from outside the summit room's door. The redhead pushed open the door and entered, followed by her servants and consultant.

Y/N expected to see the Four Maous but instead, he saw only Sirzechs and Serafall. Grayfia was next to her husband. He saw that Michael was also there with his Halo out. Sitting opposite Sirzechs was Azazel. Y/N was glad to see that they had changed into more presentable attire instead of a robe and cosplay.

However, he didn't expect to see Sona Sitri and Tsubaki there. It did make sense since they were there for the attack and witnessed most of it.

To his and Xenovia's surprise, Irina was also here. She was clad in her white robe and they wouldn't be surprised if she had the black skin-tight suit on underneath. She was standing behind Michael so she must be here with him.

Y/N felt someone to his side, so he looked and saw that Vali was also here. He was Azazel's protege so he would be here. However, as Y/N looked in his direction, Vali averted his eyes and locked onto his rival, Issei.

"This is my sister and her Y/N the Angel," Sirzechs introduced. "They all did very well in their recent battle with Kokabiel."

Michael smiled at them. "Thank you for that. We appreciate your efforts."

Azazel smiled but it wasn't a sweet one like Michael's was. "Sorry. my guy got a little out of hand."

Issei whispered to Y/N. "Aren't you going to take a seat?"

"Those seats are for representatives. I'm not representing anyone. Right now, I'm in the same boat as you are," He whispered back.

Sirzechs addressed everyone. "All the representatives are here. We shall begin."

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