10th Doctor X Reader

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Request from @IizRachael Love you boo : 

You and the 10th Doctor go on a date but you end up getting badly hurt

f/c = favourite colour

f/f and f/d = favourite food and drink

After 5 months of dating the Doctor had finally asked you on a proper date and for once that wasn't a code word for adventure. 

You were just doing the finishing touches to your make up when a light knock comes from your door way, you turn with a smile to your Doctor and his spiked brown hair. He leans against the door way and smiles at you as you turn back towards the mirror atop of the dresser in your room in the Tardis, he loved that dresses on you. It was a soft shade of (f/c) and reached three quarters of the way down your thigh, it fit you perfectly and the strapless top helped give him a view if you catch my drift.

You stepped away from the mirror and crouched down to pick your heels up from the floor, as you straightened you felt arms encircle your waist and pull you close to a warm chest. The doctor placed a gentle kiss on your neck, you turn in his embrace to face him and place a chaste kiss to his lips before slipping out of his grasp to put your heels on.

( Time skip brought to you by the Tardis )

The doctor entwined his fingers with yours as he lightly pulled you towards the entrance of an expensive looking restaurant, you smiled to yourself when you remembered telling the Doctor you had always wanted to go here.

The inside of the restaurant was warm and the air was full of a variety of spices, absent minded chatter and laughter filled the room adding to the cozy atmosphere of the restaurant.

" Reservation for John Smith, " said the Doctor, he squeezed your hand as you rolled your eyes at his 'original' fake name.

" Right this way, sir " spoke the host in a tone which expressed his boredom.

The dull host showed you to your table and placed menus down infront of you.

" Would you like to see our selection of wines? " asked the host, his eerily familiar eyes mapping you out.

" That would be great thanks, " You say as you study the man, your eyes flick towards the doctor who was squinting at the man. The host nodded his head before rushing off to get the wine menu. You gently shook your head and looked up at the Doctor who was still watching the man with concerned eyes, he shifted his gaze to meet your eyes and smiled. The doctor opened his menu and tried to pretend like there wasn't anything wrong.

( Time skip brought to you by me having no clue how to finish this )

You and the Doctor had finished your meals, you had order the (f/f) and a glass of (f/d). It was amazing.

The host was still giving you a bad vibes and it seems he was doing the same to the Doctor who was holding your hand and rubbing his thumb across your fingers, his brown eyes studied the host and you swore you say a glint of anger in them.

" Doctor, are you ok? " You ask, your voice a whisper.

" I will be when I get you out of here, " he spoke back, his eyes left the host to study the room. There were only two exits, the front and the fire exit.

" Where'd he go?" The doctor asked himself.

You squeezed his hand hard. A hand covered your mouth, silencing any sound you were making. A cold, sharp edge was placed against your neck, it was close to piercing the skin and drawing blood. 

The Doctor looked up, his face full of anger as he looked towards you. The hosts wickedly grinned at the doctor, his eyes holding an ancient evil in them.

" Master, let her go. " He ordered.

" Why would I do such a thing. I call this karma for you know what." The master spoke with a sneer.

" No!" shouted the Doctor as the Master pressed the knife against your neck and cut too deep for saving.

Your eyes widened as you felt the blood rushing to leave your body, you heard the patter of escaping feet as your body begun to fall forward. The Doctor caught you before you hit the table and pulled you onto the floor and into his lap, tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he looked into your quickly fading eyes.

" Please don't leave me (y/n), you can't leave me. You're not allowed to die, " exclaimed the Doctor whilst pressing his hand to the slash on your neck.

You managed a smile and took his hand in yours.

" I love you Doctor, so much. Don't you dare blame yourself for this, remember this isn't your fault, " you choke out.

" I love you too, " were the last words you heard as you slowly slipped into the overwhelming darkness.

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