A Child Is Born

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The Doctor has never been so panicked in his life. You had shouted and scream, cussed him out and held his hand so tight he was sure it was no longer attached to his body.

The doctors and nurses had rushed round you for the three hours you were in labour. When you had had your scan all those months ago, two heart beats were found, although the Doctor said it was probably just one.

After three hours had passed and the Doctor had been called every name under the sun, the cry of a baby filled the room.

It was a beautiful baby girl with little tufts of blonde hair. The Doctor smiled couldn't helped but smile when he was handed his new born. The two of you had decided to call her Luna.

She was the last part needed to complete the little family.


The Doctor caressed you hair as you cried, for the last four hours you had been in labour and you just wanted it to end.

Which it did but not until the sixth hour when a boy was born.

He had a full head of brown hair that spiked up just like his fathers, he didn't cry or make a sound, he just sat there peacefully with a cheeky grin on his face. The best part? He had two hearts.

You smile at the baby wrapped in a blanket in your arms, the Doctor sits next to you on the bed with his fingers entwined with yours.

After an hour of decision making, the baby was finally named Percy.


The Doctor smiles at the baby in his arms, you do the same. The two of you had managed to have twins which was both amazing and terrifying.

You had had a boy and a girl which you named Oscar and Freya.

When they were born the Doctor had cried, he was beyond happy with the news of twins and the pair finally being born was the best thing to have happened to him.

Both of the babies had his long hair but only Freya had the colour, Oscars hair matched yours.

The children weren't full time lords but they could still regenerate which meant the Doctor wouldn't be alone when you inevitably pass.


When you told the Doctor that your water had broke, he almost fainted. Bill and Nardole had to keep him awake whilst you were timing your contractions.

The Doctor had finally gathered all his senses when your contractions were getting very close together.

He took you to the hospital in your home town and told you he loved you over and over again, mainly to reassure you that everything was okay but also to reassure himself.

You had given birth to a girl after two hours of labour. The Doctor refused to let her go but would gladly give you the baby seeing as you weren't a Doctor or nurse trying to take her away from him.

She was named Elsie after your grandmother and she couldn't have been more perfect if she tried.

The Doctor loves you but he had found something to love just that little bit more, especially seeing as there was a new mini time lord in the world.

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