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It pained you to watch your husband fall in love with a pretty girl by the name of Rose, or being loved blindly by Martha, Donna made you laugh despite the pain you felt. It made you sick to have to watch your husband regenerate for the 10th time into a man with dark floppy hair and bow ties. You didn't really like Amy but you did like her husband, he seemed to possess some common sense. Then there was River, you knew exactly what she was to the Doctor in the future and you hated the thought of it, but it couldn't be stopped and you were in no position to stop it. You couldn't blame the Doctor though, or anyone else for that matter, they didn't know you were there.

Back when Gallifrey still existed, you and the Doctor were married. That was until he went slightly rouge which resulted in you being punished for his actions, your punishment was brutal. What was done to you should have been impossible, being connected to a Tardis meant you became the Tardis matrix, well part of it anyways. Every time the Tardis warped into the time vortex you were pulled apart, molecule by molecule and when it landed you were put back together even slower. You could see all of time, all at once, you couldn't think straight. The pain was just another one of your never ending problems.

The pain was worse then regenterating and that wasn't thought to be possible.

At this exact moment in time the Doctor and Amy were travelling into a random part of space, the exact part of space that you knew to be where the Doctor meets River for the 2nd time. You were still screaming when the Tardis came to a stand still, being in space made the healing process harder and coming close to another regeneration made everything 10 times worse.

The Tardis doors opened, causing the time vortex to jolt inside you once more, you screamed even louder which as perusal no one noticed. River entered the Tardis, a smile on her face as she talked to Amy and the Doctor about her recent affairs.

With a roll of her eyes she complained to the Doctor about always keeping the Tardis' breaks on, when the switch was flipped the molecules stopped repairing themselves, frozen in the most painful healing process imaginable.

Your scream echoed around the Tardis, bouncing off of all the walls, triggering your regeneration for the 5th time in 1100 years. Tears streamed down your face as you heard shouting come from all around you, some of it was the Doctors and some was Rivers. Amy stayed silent as she peered around the ship for any sign of the person screaming for dear life.

Gold engulfed your body before exploding like the most beautiful firework display, the light was so intense it knocked everyone backwards but also showed them where you were. The Doctor was on his feet in an instant pulling the Tardis apart to get to the source of regeneration energy. He wouldn't recognise you anymore, you didn't look like the wife that he once had. Your eyes which would always stay brown were now a gold, matching the time vortex and just to match your hair was the same colour.

The Doctor pulled back a panel, revealing your agonised face that was stained by never ending tears. He reached out for you, his fingers just reaching your arms as he begun to hoist you out of the small hole you had been restrained to for over a millennia.

The second you were out of the hole you fainted in the Doctors arms, he held you close to him but he didn't know who you were, he was confused as to how you managed to get quite literally inside the Tardis. Little did he know he wold be getting more then 1 surprise when you woke up.

Part 2?

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