10 X Reader

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Requested by PatriotWriter48

(This is based off of the family of blood. You are the Doctors companion along with Martha but you take up the role of being a nurse instead of a maid. John smith starts to fall for you and you for him. The only problem is you also love the Doctor but he doesn't love you back. Please note that the speech and ending will be different to the episode)

You stand in an abandoned cottage with Martha and John, the Doctor you mean, John doesn't actually exist.

He grabs your face, checking you over for any injuries. You smile at him as he strokes his thumb over your cheek, John places a kiss to your fore head.

"Martha, without the watch we can't do anything. Sit down." You say softly, she gives you a small smile which shows you just how much she's really panicking. She sits on the closest chair and puts her head in her hands.

John sits on the table, his hand holding yours.

"(Y/n), can I ask you something." He whispers, his eyes seemed sad.

You smile and play with his fingers, signalling him to continue.

"Do you love me or do you love the Doctor?" Your breathing hitched, John looked away. Martha's head snapped up at the question, her eyes watching you sympathetically. You shake your head.

"John, I-I do love you, why do you ask?" You say, your voice trembling. John takes your hand in both of his.

"Because every time you hear his name your face lights up, your eyes look happier. I love you but I'm not so sure that you love me back." His eyes were slowly brimming with tears, you bite your lip and look away, if you looked at him you would cry.

From over his should you could see Martha quietly leaving the room, she knew that in the end you would have to help make the decision if you ever found the watch.

"I love you, why won't you understand that. If I did love the Doctor why would I be telling you that?" You ask, tears slowly falling down your cheeks.

John pushes himself up from the table, he releases your hand and looks out of the window.

"I am the Doctor, not right now but I am. I look like him and I have his memories at the back of my head. I know he can see you looking at him sometimes, the way rose did." He says he looks down, tears now falling down his face too.

You frown at the mention of her name, you had been with the Doctor before Rose had even met him. You had loved him for years but he didn't love you back. It hurt to think that he didn't even realise you looked at him like that before the blonde did.

"John, listen to me. I love you and you love me, he doesn't have any feelings for me. My feelings for him don't matter and I swear if he hears me saying that I will die inside." You say with a sigh, John smiles slightly.

You couldn't help but notice how similar he and the Doctor were. That sounded stupid seeing as they're the same person but they were so different at the same time.

Different hair, John happier eyes, they both loved everything to do with history but only one loved you.

John comes to stand in front of you, a small smile on his lips. His arms circle your waist and yours go around his neck.

"I love you," he whispers, his breathing fanning your lips as he edges closer, you smile as they connect with yours.

"I love you too," you mumble between kisses. John lifts you up and onto the table, he stands between your legs, his hands on your hips.

You both smile into the kiss, this wasn't the first time you had kissed but you feared it might be your last.

A knock at the door broke you apart. You roll your head back and sigh, John places a kiss on your neck before setting you back down on the floor.

Martha opens the door revealing Tim, a boy at the school you were forced to work at.

He rushes into the house, his pale skin illuminated by the light of the moon peeking through the curtains.

In his hand was the Doctors watch, the gallifreyan on the front calling for the John to open it.

"It keeps talking to me, telling me to find you and to stay safe. I didn't mean to steal it I was just curious," he says in a rush as Martha takes it from his hands.

You frown at it and John does the same. Martha clears her throat and sticks out her hand, the watch whispers to John, his eyes widen.

You take the watch and run your fingers over the writing.

"Thank you Tim." You say with a smile, "Would you two give us a minute," you try to hold back tears as you look at Johns broken face.

Tim and Martha leave the cottage, leaving you and John alone.

"I wanted a future with you, kids and a house. Maybe even a dog, just to tie everything together. But this Doctor, he's ruined that." John says angrily, tears forcing themselves from his eyes.

You place a hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at you. You gently peck has lips, his arms pull you close to him, refusing to let you go.

"If we weren't close to death I would start our future right now. I love you John, I do, you won't be a coward to me if you don't want to turn back into him." You say in a rush, your voice wavering.

"Would you have wanted kids? I want kids, two girls. Maybe a boy a few years later." He asks sadly, you pull him impossibly closer.

"If I had time I would have a baby with you right now," you say with a smile, John smiles back.

"I think we have a little time," he says as he leans closer, you giggle and press your lips to his.

You knew there was no time for sex but you couldn't help it, you loved John and he definitely loved you.

————30 minutes later————

You pulled on your heels and readjusted your hair, John lay on the bed looking at the ceiling, he had somehow managed to already put on his suit.

"I'll do it," he whispers, you snap your head in his direction.

Your heart breaks as you look at the man you loved.

"John you don't have to." You say sadly.

He looks towards you a sad smile on his face.

"I do, you know I do. You just don't want to believe it." He pulls you over to him, you rest your head on his chest.

You nod your head in agreement, the quiet being disturbed by the opening of the front door.

Martha stood in the doorway a sad smile on her face and Tim stood quietly next to her.

"You gonna do it?" Martha asks, her eyes full of hope. John nods and grabs the watch from the bedside table. He jumps to his feet, pulling you up with him.

He looks at the three of you sadly, he tried to mask it with a smile but he failed.

"Tim, you be good at school ok. You're an amazing student, don't ever change." He says, Tim nods and smiles.

"Miss Martha Jones, thank you for looking out for me." Martha nods and looks away, trying to hide the tears in her eyes.

"(Y/n), I love you. Thank you for loving me too, personally I thought you were the most brilliant person I have ever met. If the Doctor doesn't think that too then I'm not truly him." He says softly, tears fall down your cheeks for the millionth time that night as he takes your hand in his and places a kiss to it.

He leans down, his lips against your ear. "Might I add that you were amazing in bed, if you do end up pregnant please convince me to care." John whispers, you smile and kiss his cheek.

He steps away from all of you, giving you one last smile before opening the watch and being engulfed in gold.

Part 2?

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