How Could You

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12 X Reader (short and sweet)

"Doc, please calm down."

"Don't call me that!" he snaps as he look at you from the other side of the console room.

"I cant believe you are acting like this, especially over something as stupid a-"

"It is not stupid, this conversation is serious!"

You sigh, he did this overtime you two p-

"How could you." he grumbles, his fingers drum against the console, the Tardis hums in annoyance at the off beat Rhyme being played against her controls.

"You are so childish."

"You are so childish," he mocks in a voice you never want to hear again.

You put your face in your hands, "Come over hear and take it like a man."

The Doctor mumbles something, anger evident in his eyebrows.

He looks down at the table before him, "I hate you,"

You gasp dramatically, "After that I am afraid I have no other choice but to ruin this friendship."

Your fingers dancing over the card, leaving one behind. The card is placed on top of the stack already on the table, it had a plus four illustrated on it.

A smirk plays on your lips, "Uno."

The Doctor throws his cards, "I hate this game."

You cant help but laugh as he huffs in his room like a little child for the rest of the night.

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