10 X Reader Part 4

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"Iwantedtobeyourfirsteverythingnothimiguessyoucouldsayiwasjealousbutletsforgetiwas," he says in a rush, you blink.

"I didn't catch a word of that," you say, leaning your back against your door.

The Doctor takes a breath, like he's psyching himself up, "I wanted our first everything to be with me but our first kiss was wasn't with me, the first time we had sex wasn't with me, and now our first kid might not be with me either."

Your mouth fell open, you could just tell Martha was having an 'I told you so' moment I her room.

The Doctor shuffled nervously under your gaze, "I'm sorry, I didn't think. I just remember you telling John that you loved me and I do really love you b-" you press your lips to his, cutting him off. The Doctor yelped in shock but soon kissed back, you could feel his smile against your lips.

You pull away, a smile on your face, "I love you too"


-1 year later-

You sit on the hospital bed, Donna in the chair next to you and the Doctor by the window. He looked nervous, his brown hair sticking out in more places than usual, the blue suit he wore was ruffled.

Beeping sounded in the room, along with your occasional groaning and begging for the baby to get the hell out already. 

You couldn't help but think back to the day you had found out you were pregnant, the smile on the Doctors face brought a similar smile to your face now. He couldn't believe you were having a baby, he was even more surprised when he found it was twins and he was close to fainting when he found out they had two hearts each.

In the end you had ended up pregnant with the Doctors kids not Johns but you couldn't help but feel like maybe that was for the best, it would have been hard to explain to two kids that their dad was a 1900's history teacher that was also the Doctor.

"Doc, sit down." you say softly as you pat the spot next to you on the thin blanket of the hospital bed. He looks over at you from his spot by the window, a small smile on his face. You didn't know what he was smiling at, you looked like hell, it was probably possible to get sucked into the dark circles under your tired eyes.

He walks over, hands in pockets. The Doctor sits on the bed, taking your hand in his.

"How you feeling?" he asks, worry gracing his features.

"Peachy, just wish they'd hurry up" you grumble as you roll your head back, another wave of contractions hit you, they were getting closer together. 

The Doctor nods, his eyes making their way over to a smiling Donna, "So, you guys thought of any names yet?" asks the red head.

You nod your head as the contractions die down, the Doctor runs his thumb over your knuckles, occasionally placing a kiss to the back of your hand.

"I like Grace," you say with a small smile on your face, the Doctor nods, it seemed to be the only thing he could do at this point. 

"John for a boy," the Doctor says. You look away from Donna to meet the Doctors eyes.

"You sure?" you ask quietly, he just smiles and presses his lips to your fore head.

It was silent for a while, the hum of voices coming from the corridor being the only sound in the room. Little light entered the room except from the glow of machines and creeping beams from behind the curtains.

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