8000 READS

601 9 10

I can't believe that in only a month I have gone from 5000 reads to 8000 reads.

I can't thank you guys enough for voting and reading these imagines and to everyone commenting, THANK YOU so much for some of the best conversation I have had in a long time.

Whilst I'm here I will apologise for taking to long to post the Christmas specials but I have had prelims and I'm revising for my other prelims coming up. I will be back to posting so much more after prelims, so please bare with me.

I would also like to say that this book may be coming to an end at 100 chapters, I have love writing this book and I have decided to (once this is finished) start a new one featuring just 10 and 11.

Thank you again for 8000 reads.

Take it Sleazy,

Chloe Xx

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