11 X Reader Part 3

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You nod, your gaze on the floor as you think of what to say. You smile mischievously, "It sounds like you have been abandoned, my friend."

"Daleks have no friends, I have not been abandoned." The Dalek screeched, if it was human you might have said it was seething.

The Doctor backed away from you and the Dalek whilst it's back was to him.

He had to find a way to save you before you got yourself killed.

The only question was how? 


The Doctor crept towards the Tardis, you could see him trying to open the door quietly from over the top of the Daleks head.

"You know, I just don't think your plan is going to work." you say cooly whilst also silently thanking yourself for taking drama as a course. The Daleks eye twitched.

"You are inferior, Daleks have supreme intelligence." it screeched slowly backing away from you.

You shake your head and shove your hands into the pocket of your hoodie, "You are receiving no orders and you are alone. You maybe be a Dalek, one of the most dangerous Aliens in your universe but here you are nothing but a story. A villain who is always foiled by a hero, the Doctor which is why I'm hoping that the thing in his hand is going to work." you say calmly with a smile before dashing around a corner.

The Dalek turned to face the Doctor who like you said had a gizmo of sorts in hand, to most it could be mistaken as dynamite but to any geek it was something that could only be described as awesome.

You peak your head around the corner just in time to see the Doctor through the mechanism of sorts towards the Dalek, it exploded in mid air, shattering into a million smaller versions of itself. The small pieces attached the the Daleks eye, causing it to shatter and internally combust into flames.

The Dalek screamed for its leaders but got no response.

"I'm so glad that your a smart ass!" you shout over to the Doctor, he smiles at you and gestures for you to come to him.

Hesitantly you creep around the corner of your makeshift hiding place and run over to the Doctor, he grabs your shoulders, looking you over for any injuries.

"Thank god." he mutters more to himself than you, "If you do that to me again I swear,"

You shake your head and smile, it was hard to smile when a Dalek was still screaming right next to you. "I didn't know there was going to be a next time," you tease.

The Doctor blushed a little, "Well, you could be attacked by anything."

"I don't think so, we don't tend to get a lot of tv characters threatening to kill us." you say with a laugh, the screaming of the Dalek stops.

The Doctor shakes his head, he hadn't completely meant to hint towards you travelling with him. He found you interesting and he felt drawn to you somehow but he didn't want to put you in danger, although he really wouldn't mind your company.

"Oh shush." he huffs, his cheeks still a slight shade of pink. You giggle at his flustered state, he smiles down at you and pulls you into a hug. "If you did want to travel with me, I really wouldn't mind."

You wrap your arms around his waist, burying your face into his chest in a poor attempt to hide your smile, "I'd like that but I think we should probably get rid of that," you say gesturing towards the Dalek, "...And we should probably try and convince Matt he was delirious, not to mention the rip in space and time."

The Doctor sighs, "And to think I was just going to pick up Amy and Rory."

You chuckle and pull away from him, "Guess we should get started then, wouldn't want to be late."

-------Final Part-------

I hope you guys liked this set of 3 imagines, the ending didn't turn out how I wanted it to but I still hope that you's enjoyed it.

I will also be taking more Requests, if possible could you direct message me your requests.

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