Christmas Special Numero Doce

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The Doctor had been spending a lot of time with Rose on the run up to christmas, usually you and Doctor would spend the whole of December on a planet that was on the other side of the universe, the planet was coincidently named christmas.

This year though was not like the others that the two of you had had together, ever since Rose had come along the Doctor had spent hardly any time with you and you were beginning to get fed up.

The Doctors new regeneration didn't seem to care much for you but then again the last regeneration only kept you as close as he did because he was lonely.

You sigh as you wrap the present you had got for the Doctor weeks prior, it was a custom made Tardis keyring, you hoped it would help the Doctor find his key when he lost it.

You place a bow on top of the neatly wrapped paper and pick it up, you leave your room and head to the control room where you had put the tree up by yourself. Gently you place the package under the tree, you frown as you head back to your room. Both the Doctor and Rose were not in the control room, meaning they had left you behind again, you were beginning to grow tired of the Doctors sudden neglect.

You make a split second decision to leave the ship whilst the Doctor and Rose were away, the time lord wouldn't care anymore and Rose had never really liked you. A bag lay on your bed, clothes packed neatly inside along with a few other essentials and trip memoirs. Next to the bag was a note that you had written for the Doctor though you doubted he would read it.

The Tardis hums sadly as you walk down the halls with your bag in hand, you place the note on the Tardis console and take one last look at the beautiful ship. Sadly you walk out the door, your eyes well up with tears as you see what planet you were on.


He took Rose to Christmas, he took her to your special place and he didn't at least invite you. You brush the tears from your face and hold your head high as you stomp towards the closest village.

Tinsel town was the closets civilisation, you remembered the town to have some of the most wonderful christmas trees and definitely the best gingerbread known to any man or alien. Mistletoe hung above doorway and christmas lights went from one side of the street to the other, snowmen were built along the side of the road and christmas trees were the only form of tree found within the town.

You smile as you see Gally Gumdrops storefront although it looked a little more tired, it had probably been a few decades or so since your last visit to the planet.

"(y/n)," says a quiet voice from behind you, you turn and come face to face with Gally himself. You smile at the small man.

"Gally, how have you been?" you say happily, Gally smiles back.

"Very festive, I have recently created a new range of gumdrops. How are you, I saw a man claiming to be the Doctor earlier but no you, instead there was an annoying blonde?"

You laugh, "Thats my replacement." Gally nods in understanding and gestures for you to follow him to his shop, his short legs make the tiny distance feel like a mile as you cross the icy road.

He pushes open his shop door and direct you behind the counter and into a storage room, in the middle of the room is the Doctor and Rose, she hangs off of his arm like a monkey on a tree. You roll your eyes and smirk as you see Gally do the same. The Doctor turns away from Rose and to you and Gally as he hears you two come in, his brow furrows as he see's your bag.

"I found her in the town, alone but not in he least bit worried. I guess that means she doesn't need you anymore but then again you have already replaced her with the walking talking denim here." Gally says without a second thought, you snort at roses offended face.

The Doctor frowns, "I haven't replaced her"

Gally chuckles, "Then why were you here with her," he says pointing to rose and then you, "And not her, I have been visited by you two for the last couple of decades, (y/n) said it was a little tradition the two of you had."

The Doctor looks down at his feet, he almost looked ashamed with himself.

Rose huffs, "Can we go, I don't care about some tradition he had with it, it is cold and I'm bored."

You drop your bag to the floor and turn to Gally, "It ok if i stay here with you for a bit, man the shop?" Golly nods, you look towards the Doctor, "You two can leave."

The Doctors head snaps up, his mouth agape, "(y/n), you can't stay."

You fold your arms across your chest, "Tell me one reason I shouldn't,"

He thinks for a moment, "I need you."

You laugh, "No you don't, you have Rose, you only needed me because you were lonely. Now please, go back to your little blue box and fly amongst the stars."


"No buts," you walk over to him and pull him into a hug, he instantly hugs you back and burys his head in the nook of your neck, "Make a new christmas tradition with Rose."

He nods his head and lets you go, his eyes filling with tears. The Doctor holds his hand out to Rose which she gladly takes and begins to walk out of the store, he stops in the door way and says to you from over his shoulder, "Merry christmas."

You smile, "Merry Christmas Space Man."

(So I have no clue what this is but like yeah)

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