10 X Reader

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Anonymous Request- enjoy :)


The Tardis had been drifting in space for a few days now, food was running low and so was water. If you had to spend one more minute on the god forsaken ship you would go crazy, it didn't help that the Doctor had spent the last 24 hours trying to fix the exact same part of the Tardis and the real kick in the teeth, it played no part in the actual travel of the ship.

A sigh escapes your lips, lazily you wriggle out of your bed and place your feet on the cold floor, shivers run up your spine from the cool contact. Rumbling erupted from your stomach, it demanded food that you just couldn't give it. You struggle to remember the last time you ate anything but are pulled out of your thoughts by a light knocking at your door, it cracks open a little, the doctors brown eyes peek through at you.

He stepped into your room, suit dirtied and hair sticking every which way. A shy smile was on his lips as he looked at you, he twiddled his fingers as he walked closer.

"I fixed the Tardis but it won't be ready to go for another couple of hours," he mumbled, avoiding your eyes. You knew he was annoyed about not being able to fix the ship sooner, it seemed to hurt his genius ego. You just smiled in response, hand patting his shoulder as you walk past him and towards the control room. The Doctor followed suit, his feet shuffling across the grate floor of his ship.

You sat in the captains chair, hand patting the space next to you. The Doctor sat, his eyes watching you with curiosity.

"I thought you'd be mad at me for getting us stuck out here?" he said, confusion lacing his words. You shake your head, your (e/c) eyes meeting his.

"You can't be a genius all the time," a smile graced your lips as he chuckled, you lean your head on his shoulder, his pulls you closer as he wraps his arm around your waist.

All was silent on the ship, that was until your stomach grumbled for the one hundredth time that day. Your face turned bright red, the Doctor pulls away from you, a goofy grin on his face.

He presses his hand to your stomach, you roll your eyes at his fanatics. Your stomach moans again, the Doctor laughs as you push him away playfully.

"I think you might be hungry, correct me if I'm wrong which I never am, your belly seems to be rather angry with you. Why is that?" he asks with another smile. You shake your head.

"Well if you hadn't noticed we are running out of food." you sighed. The Doctor nods and pulls a banana out of his pocket. You stifle a giggle, how he fit the fruit in his pocket you don't know but this man was strange already so you didn't question it.

"Its a good source of potassium, it tastes amazing too." he said enthusiastically, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Wait here, I need to find something," The Doctor ran off suddenly, each fast step causing the grate floor to shake.

You watch the man curiously as you peel the banana, you had just taken a bite when the Doctor returned with something in his hand.

"Are you kidding me, a stethoscope" you say, the Doctor nods his head and places the stethoscope to your stomach. You roll your eyes, there was no point in telling him to stop because he wouldn't listen.

A gurgle came from your stomach, why couldn't it shut up. The Doctor laughed, tears actually began to form in his eyes. you huff and fold your arms over your stomach.

"I have decided that there is a monster in there," the Doctor said through his laughter.

 A second gurgle sounded but it wasn't you, the Doctors laughter stopped as he looked down at his own stomach. You put your hand out, flexing your fingers as a sign for him to hand over the stethoscope. He hesitantly handed it over, you placed it on his stomach and waited. 

Lets just say that the Doctor also had a 'monster' in his stomach.

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