Make ups

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It had only been a week since you had left the Doctor but it had felt like an eternity. You missed all of his quirks, his over confidence and generally just him.

Despite him being the reason for you leaving, you still felt guilt for breaking up with him.

He hadn't tried to contact you, not one message or call was sent your way.

Jack had text you from roses phone to tell you the Doctor was a mess, he had acted like a total idiot in Cardiff and he kept getting close to calling you but stopped himself every time.

Your finger nails tap against your phone screen, you bite your lip as you try to plan what you'd say.

You take a deep breathe and click on your contacts, you scroll down to his name and just look at it. With a shake of your head you go to turn your phone off but jump when you get a call instead.

You answer the call without looking at the name, "Hey."

"(y/n), i'm so sorry, please come back to the Tardis." the Doctor says in a rush.

You shake your head, "I thought I was a cheater?"

"I know you're not a cheater, I'm sorry that I accused you of being one. Please come back, I miss you, I...I love you."

With a sigh you respond, "I love you too but I'm still going to need a better apology then that, be here in five."

You could tell the Doctor was smiling, "I'll be there in a sec."


The Doctor stands on your door step, his fist hovering above your door. He knew you hated him but he couldn't let you go, it hadn't even been 24 hours but he was already going to try and win you back.

He takes a deep breath and knock on the wood of your door, your footsteps echo off of the stairs as you come towards the door.

You pull it open, your face red, eyes puffy, "Hel-"

The Doctor frowns, his eyes filling with tears as he takes in your broken eyes and quivering lip.

"Please don't slam the door in my face." he begs as you ease the door shut slightly, you sigh and step onto the door step with him, shutting the door behind you.

"Why are you here, Doc?"

He places his hands on your cheeks and wipes away the tears, "Baby, I promise I didn't kiss her first, she kissed me."

You push away his hands, "You didn't try and push her off."

The Doctor looks down at his feet, "I ashamed of myself for that, I never wanted to hurt you," he looks you in the eye, "Im so sorry."

You look away from him, "Why are you here?"

He smiles softly, "To get you back. (y/n), I love you so much, it would mean a lot to me if you'd take me back."

"How can you expect me to trust you, you cheated on me with the person I hate the most in this world."

A single tear falls down his cheek, "If you still love me at all you'd give me a second chance, I love you and I don't think I can deal with losing you right now. Please come back to the Tardis, this weekend, just you and me on a lovely little planet called romanzia. I'll make it up to you, I promise.

You sigh and look down at your feet, you hesitate before responding, "I love you too."


River rolls her eyes as she watches the Doctor sulk for what must have been at least the 365 time since you left a year ago.

You and the professor kept in touch, she liked to update you on the Doctors latest pity party and his constant whining because he wanted you back.

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