Threes A Crowd

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-Part four of A Handful Of Feathers And A Custard Cream-

"So, big box. I'm guessing that it belongs to every single one of you guys, considering there is not one gun being fired." you say, "Quite proud of you Sontarans, everyone should be burned with Acid right?" the potato raises his gun.

"Silence boy!" it yells, you raise your hands in mock surrender, the Doctor copies.

The Dalek edges closer, "We have the three, the Rebel, the Genius and the Madman." it screeches.

"Who are they then because all of those make up my resume." you say sarcastically, pointing towards your siblings, the Doctor rolls his eyes and Rachael sighs.

Romans walk towards you and the Doctor, grabbing your arms and pulling you towards the back of the box where two more chairs rest. You fight against them, as does the Doctor but they had an iron tight grip. Even if you did get out someone else would be there to grab or kill you, today wasn't the day you wanted to be killed by Daleks again.

"Oh you don't want us all in here, one of us could stop you, three of us could wipe you out." The Doctor says calmly, "At least let the other two leave, stopping me is what all of you have wanted for years."

You laugh, "If only you knew what I've been doing since I was resurrected."

The box begins to shut, enclosing the three of you inside. The Daleks, Sontarans and every other thing you've pissed off in the last 50 years watches as the box closes, silent victory fills the room. Thoughts like, could this box survive a nuclear missile filled your mind, half of them out side couldn't and you knew for a fact that a few missiles were in the back of your Tardis.

"Welcome to my humble abode. It's not spacious, can get a little uncomfortable, hope you don't feel itchy." Rachael grumbles, you sigh and lean back a little, the Doctor looks around the box.

"Well I didn't until you mentioned it. Love the shade of white you've painted these walls, take long to dry." you joke, Rachael chuckles a little.

"A day or so. Bit quiet there Doc, what ya thinking?" Rachael questions, he just mumbles to himself, attempting to find a way out.

"If there was a way out Rachael would have gotten out years ago, its deadlocked, triple deadlocked by the looks of it. Multiple codes are keeping us in, we ain't getting out any time soon." you say with a huff and looking down at your own restraints which where a little too tight if you do say so yourself. Rachael nods in agreement, turning her head to see the Doctors fidgeting form.

"Were you always so restless?" she asks, he looks at her from the corner of his eye and frowns.

"I don't like the thought of being in here with all of them outside, probably ready to kill a bunch of innocent people." he says exasperated.

"Definitely won't like being in here with me then," you say quietly, closing your eyes, attempting to sleep for the first time in about a week.

"What does that mean?" the Doctor asks, his 'big brother tone' being used.

"Why do you think they resurrected me for the time war, I'm a killer, the best soldier they ever had. I have killed many and saved more. I blow a new dalek ship out of the sky every evening and argue with knights every other morning. Occasionally I have a little bit of fun, like building stone henge or going to Comaristan, beautiful there by the way." you peek an eye open, taking in his disappointed face.

"You aren't a killer." He mumbles, looking down at his restraints and jiggling his wrists a bit, "You don't kill the innocent," he looks at you with hopeful eyes, begging for you to tell him that you were a little bit good.

"Not intentionally, wrong place wrong time, couldn't help them all. I tried, I really did but sometime those closest to you don't make it." A single tear falls down your cheek.

"A-Are you crying?" asks the Doctor, for the first time in 850 years he was actually being a brother instead of a complete mad man in a box.

You shake your head, a feeble attempt to hide the tears, "No." 

"You're lying," he whispers, turning his head around even more to take in your broken face, the once fire in your eyes now a dull flame struggling to stay alight. "Who did you lose?"

"Everyone." you say bluntly, the Doctor nods in understanding, Rachael just creepily listens from the other side. "I thought you two had died, I lost my whole planet, every friend. Just everything. For years I heard stories of a Doctor travelling from place to place with his companion but I just didn't want to believe it, so I never went looking."

The Doctor shuffles about, Rachael does something similar on the other side, "Um you guys, although this heart to heart is very touching and I'm glad you two are sort of making up, the doors are opening." she says, eyes probably wide, you couldn't exactly tell from here but thats how you imagined it.

"What?" you question, no way in hell was it just going to open, not that you were complaining. Your restraints pop off and you jump to your feet, the Doctor mimics you on the other side. Rachael on the other hand falls.

"Its been a while," she grumbles, standing shakily on her legs. You give her a small smile and lift you hands to your face to wipe away the tears.

"No point in waiting around, I have Sontarans to declare war on and Daleks to destroy. What about you guys?" you ask your siblings, the Doctor just frowned and looked around the room, Rachael looked lost.

"I have unfinished business, this isn't over but i'll find you." the Doctor states, turning to look in your direction. You nod and give him a smile, Rachael looks at you, a hint of fear in her eyes.

"What about me, I don't have a Tardis, no where to go?" she questions, looking between you and the Doctor.

You point at your brother, "He's going to look after you, he might be dangerous but if you're with me you won't last a second. I'm quite literally about to land my Tardis inside the middle of the Dalek armada. I'll visit." you open up your arms, Rachael walks into them, pulling you close.

The Doctor smiles and you gesture for him to come over, he shakes his head and you roll your eyes, "Come here you idiot." he wraps you both in his arms.

"You do love each other," Rachael says quietly, you sigh and look up at him.

"He's my brother. Sure, he got me killed but i'm here. Thats enough." you let them both go, "You know how to find me." you say as you rush away from the pair.

The stairs seemed damper, the sky a little bit lighter but not enough to see anything else other than your Tardis. You swing open the door, snapping your fingers to close it behind you, with a skip in your step you reach the control panel. It was almost like you were the flash, all the running around pressing buttons and flicking levers happening at such quick speeds that is was only a few seconds before your were on a Dalek ship.

"Pelemao," you say to yourself as your walk to the door, slam it open and pull out your gun.


Final part of A Handful Of Feathers And A Custard Cream.

Im not gonna lie, kinda loved this. Hope you did too.

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