13 X Reader

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Request-anonymous  :)

(short, you won't really be included in this but its still about you)

The Doctor sat on the floor of the Tardis, legs folded underneath her as she was deep in thought. She just couldn't get your (h/l), (h/c) and (e/c) eyes out of her head, your laugh caused her hearts to flutter and her cheeks turn pink. The sound of your sing song voice made her smile from ear to ear, the smell of your familiar perfume made her feel at home. She hated to admit it but she had developed a bit of a crush on you, it was more like she was in love with you and she hoped that you might feel the same way.

Yaz came into the control room, she had just spent the day with you. It had been ages since it had just been a day of fun with her sister, so when you suggested just a trip with you and her she couldn't help but squeal. Yak's eyes instantly locked onto the Doctor in her dream like state.

"What you think about?" she asks as she takes a seat infront of the Doctor who had been snapped out of her dreamy state.

"I think I'm in love," the Doctor say enthusiastically, a smile on her face as she bounce up and down on the spot. Yaz cocks her brow as she study the Time Lady infront of her.

"With who, you don't spend enough time with anyone to fall in love with them," Yaz replies, she was beyond confused.

"Your sister," she replies bluntly though the smile is still on her face as she looked at the girl infront of her. Yak's eyes widen from shock, the Doctor was in love with her sister, she couldn't help but laugh a little at the thought.

"Why are you laughing?" the Doctor asks, her blonde hair in her eyes from all the bouncing.

Yaz continues to laugh at the thought of you, her little sister being in a relationship with the Doctor. The thought brought playful tears to her eyes and an ache to her stomach from laughing so much.

"My sister, my innocent and clueless sister. Thats who your in love with, are you crazy." she laughs.

The Doctors huffs, she loved you and she thought you were brilliant. No matter how much Yaz teased her, she probably wouldn't stop loving you for a long time.

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