"You didn't say it in the past tense"

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It was a usual day at the office, an art gallery visit with Kate and a time wimey paradox sucking you through to somewhere into the late 1500.

Honestly you weren't surprised when you were sucked through a swirl of gold with your ex boyfriend, this kind of thing always happens. Well not this specific thing, this had never happened, in fact you didn't know this could happen.

The Doctor had grabbed your hand part way through the vortex and had pulled you close to him, much to your protest that is. 

You two didn't have the best break up, things were thrown, words were said. Mothers were even brought into it. 

It had all started because of River, she had been jealous of you and the Doctor and just couldn't stop flirting with the bowtie wearing man but it became much worse when he started to flirt back. You couldn't help but bring it up, saying it hurt to watch the man you loved flirt with another woman was an understatement, it was more like shoving the sonic into your heart and twisting it about for a bit and then turning it on.

All in all, he blamed you, claiming it was because you didn't love him and couldn't get over sand shoes. You on the other hand blamed him and his flirty ways, not that you would admit it but you did still love the man, even if he was a gigantic pain in the ass.

Now, it was slightly shocking when you landed in the arms of your former boyfriend, noses touching and a small blush on his cheeks. But the biggest shock was what you landed infront of, a pair of white converse.

Your head snapped up, deep brown eyes met yours and a giant smile instantly spread across your face.

"Doctor!" you squealed as you jumped out of bow ties arms and into sand shoes', he instantly engulfed you in a hug, pulling you tight against his chest. The Doctor grumbles as he heaves himself up from the floor, a frown on his face as he see's you hugging his past self. He wished it was him but in his head, sand shoes had your heart.

The Doctor pulled away from the hug, a smile on his face to match yours, "I'm guessing its been a while?" 

You nod and tilt your head over towards the other Doctor, "You left me with bow tie here, he's a grumpy sod. Not when he's with River though." you whisper the last part but sand shoes heard you, casting an angry look over to his future self and pulling you closer to him.

"So sorry to break up your moment but we were brought here for a reason, not to flirt with sand shoes." the Doctor snapped, anger evident in his voice. 

Of course he'd think you were cozying up to past him, all his little conspiracies floating around his head, still blaming you for the break up. 

You sigh and pull away from ten completely, a small, faltering smile graces your lips as you look at eleven. He frowns and looks away, his eyes landing on the fez he wore only moments ago. It lay only inches from your feet, you crouch down, snatching the red hat up. 

You stand straight and place the fez on the Doctors head, gingerly moving strands of hair into place. His pale green eyes watch your face the whole time, a mixture of sadness and regret bore into your eyes as you meet his.

With a clear of your throat you look down and take a step away from the Doctor, "Why are we here then, I don't remember ever coming here so this must have been one of the times me and Donna stayed home?" you question, looking between the two time lords.

They both look at the ground sheepishly, "Queen Elizabeth is a Zygon, she is also sort of in a non-romantic and extremely accidental way my new fiancé," ten whispers, you glare at both men and throw your hands about as you rant.

"I don't know why I bothered with either of you, constantly flirting or getting married to random people and never telling me. You two are ridiculous, in fact this is why we are no longer together because you cant hel-" sand shoes catches your flailing arms and presses his lips to yours, much to bow ties protest. Your breathing hitches, a blush dusts your cheeks.

He pulls away and looks you in the eye, "Since when did you ramble and what the hell is with the hands, can't you talk without using them?"

You roll your eyes, "I get the rambling from you and the erratic arm movements from it," you say, harshly prodding your finger into elevens chest.

He takes your hand in his and sighs, although he was secretly smiling so himself as he watched you copying him.

"Just to clarify, did you say that we are no longer together, what the hell did you do?!" ten snaps as he turns to face his future self, anger clear in his face, this kind of reminded you of his 'oncoming storm' face.

Elevens eyes widened, "I didn't do anything. (Y/n) is the reason we are no longer together."

Sand shoes backs away as he see's what could be mistaken for fire in your eyes.

You turn and face the man you still loved, a dry chuckle escaped your lips as you slap him fairly hard across the face, "My fault, are you joking." you snap as the Doctor lifts a hand to his cheek, "We are no longer together because you thought it was ok to constantly flirt with Professor Douchebag and don't say you didn't because I will slap you again. I put up with it for five months and when I finally decided to ask you about it you come up with this whole stupid story, I love you. Yes, I loved him but news flash, you are the same person. It is your fault we are not together, stop acting like it is because of me."

His pale green eyes fell to the ground, a red hand mark rest on his cheek, "You didn't say it in the past tense," he says quietly, ten just kind of watches his future creepily from behind you.

You cock an eyebrow, "What?" 

"You said you love me, not loved." the Doctor looks up from the forest's ground, an innocent smile on his face, "Did you mean it?"

You huff, "I did but you never know, might be meant for him." you say gesturing to the man behind you with his hands in his pockets.

"I don't mean to flirt with River," you glare daggers, "I don't mean anything by it, she isn't the one I love. I'm sorry, I know its my fault."

With a sigh you open your arms and gesture for the Doctor to come over, "I forgive you, Bow tie," you say as he wraps his arms around you, snuggling his head into the crook of your neck.

"Thank you," he whispers, "Also, you had your time, no kissing." The Doctor adds with a glare at his younger self.

Sand shoes throws his hands up, "I didn't realise you'd get so jealous," he says with a smirk.

Eleven growls and pulls you closer, eyeing himself up, almost like he was ready to make himself regenerate then and there.

You roll your eyes and bury your head in his chest, "Don't bother,"

"I didn't even do anything,"

"You were think about it,"

"So what if I was?"

"I can tell you now, he'd win."

The Doctor pulls away, "You're lucky I love you."

"Oh aren't you terrifying," you say with a giggle, eleven smiles and pecks your lips, taking you by surprise.

Ten watches awkwardly, his eyes trying to avoid his current and also future girlfriend kissing another guy that also happens to be him. 'At least we're together' he says to himself as he clears his throat, ready to catch a zygon and his fiancé.

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