La Fin

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Well my dears this is the end of this book.

It truly has been an adventure.

Every reader, voter and commenter has made my day.

100 Chapter written, 560 votes, 370 comments and 10 THOUSAND READS.

Originally this book was started as a joke between me and my friend but it has become so much more. It became my go to thing when I was bored or needed to escape from real life. It basically became my emotional support, I don't know what I would be doing with my life if I wasn't introduced to this app by my friend almost a year ago.

I love you guys, everyone is so supportive and easy to talk to. Not one person ever made me feel like this book was a waste of time, everyone made me continue writing because they made me so confident.

When this book was started I couldn't write fanfic at all, in fact this was my first fanfic but definitely won't be my last.

I cant wait to give you guys more content on my two new Doctor who books-



I hope you continue to follow me on my Fanfiction adventure.

I love you guys forever and always.

Take it sleazy,

-Chloe Xx

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