He Asks You To Travel With Him

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9-  You sat on your couch, a book in hand and (f/d) in the other. You were reading Wuthering Heights for what must have been the 20th time, the story interested you and the people creating it.

A light knocking sounded at you door, you sighed as you dog eared your book and placed you cup on a side table.

You opened the door to your new friend the Doctor who you had recently learned was an alien that travels through space and time. You thought it was all so interesting and wished to learn more.

"Hello (y/n)," he greeted as you gestured for him to come in.

You smiled at the strange man in a leather jacket, "What brings you here,Doctor?" you ask gently.

The doctor spun on his heel as he peered around your cozy little apartment, he landed on both feet and faced you with a child like grin.

"Would you like to travel with me, through time and space?" he asked rather bluntly but also quite gently.

"I thought you'd never ask," You say with a smile.

The Doctor hugged you tightly, "Fantastic!"

10- You had received a message from the Doctor asking you to meet him in a park which was a few minutes from your house. You smiled at the thought of getting to see your new friend again, it had been a few months since you had saw him.

It was rather windy as you made your way towards the park, the sky a pale blue but slowly fading into a stormy grey. Why the Doctor couldn't have suggested a cafe you didn't know as it was rather peculiar to meet in a park in such weather.

You had been walking around the park for a good 5 minutes looking for the Doctor but there was no sight of him but there was a blue box which coming to think of it you hadn't seen before. 

You scamper over to it and gently push on the door, to your surprise it opened. Cautiously you step inside, your eyes widen as you take in your surroundings.

It was bigger on the inside and the Doctor was at what looked like a control panel and there were long stair cases. Wait...the Doctor was at a control panel.

"Took you long enough and yes it is bigger on the inside, " he said as he leant again the machine with his arms crossed.

"Well I wasn't expecting you to be in a blue box which definitely isn't from here, who are you?" you ask curiously as you get closer to the Doctor.

"I'm a Time Lord from Gallifrey and this is my ship, the Tardis." he said calmly as he looked at your wonder filled face.

"If it's a ship then it travels. You wouldn't mind showing me, would you" You ask hopefully.

"Thats what I was going to ask you but anyways, Allons-y" he shouted as he flicked a switch and set the ship off and into a bumpy ride.

11- The oven beeped and the pots steamed, the sink over flowed and you mentally scolded yourself for forgetting to turn it off. You had invited the Doctor and Amy over for dinner as you had become close friends and they had even told you about the Doctor being a Time Lord, which meant he was an alien apparently.

You believed them to be crazy at first but then they showed you the Tardis and you instantly found them so much more amazing. Apparently Amy was the Doctors companion well his most recent one anyway but his companion no less, she said they traveled through time and space stopping wars and destructions of whole societies.

You envied the pair for their fun but dangerous life style, you longed for adventure whether it be dangerous or not. Truth be told your life was rather boring and you couldn't stand to listen to the constant pestering of your mother asking you to find someone to marry, settle down and have kids. 

You dished out the food and set the table, as you placed the last plate in its place your door bell sounded.

You opened the door and invited them in with a smile on your face, Amy hugged you as perusal and the Doctor did the same which was odd as he had never hugged you before.

-time skip-

Everyone had finished their meals and you had collected the plates up and brought them to the sink for cleaning. You could sense someone behind you so you looked over your shoulder to see the Doctor watching you from the door way, you smile at him and turn back to the dishes.

"You're starring again Doc," you say with a giggle.

The Doctor rested against a counter to your right, "Travel with us," he said quickly.

Your head snapped up and a smile made its way to your lips, "I would love too,"

12- (continuation from the last one)

"So Doctor, are you an alien," you ask bluntly as you study the man.

He seemed unfazed from the question and gave you a nod in response.

"This is your ship then, can't be anything else really," You say matter of factly.

The Doctor smiled at your inquisitive manner, "It is, would you like to see?"

You smile and follow him into his ship. You couldn't believe your eyes, it was bigger on the inside but you expected that for some reason. You study every nook and cranny of the ship and turn to the Doctor who was watching you study his ship, you give him another smile and scamper over the centre of the ship which held what you could only assume was a control panel.

You decided to not touching anything because knowing your luck it would explode.

"So, it has to travel through space otherwise you wouldn't be here" you say out loud but really you were thinking to yourself.

"The Tardis also travels through time," he said as he came to stand beside you.

"Tardis?" You question and turn to look up at him, you hadn't realised how close you were until now.

"Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, " he responded, "Would you like to see?"

"Yes, would," you say with a grin

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