Doing The Deed

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I would like you to know that I died a little inside whilst I wrote this 🤗

Also a big thank you to my friend who helped me write this whilst we were laughing our asses off.


Intimate moments with the Doctor are quick and rare, he doesn't stick around after you've done the deed, instead he gets up and leaves to look for a new adventure whilst you lie on the bed bewildered.


The Doctor is a giant softie, he was always gentle and liked to cuddle once he was, as he put it "satisfied with his work".


He's a child on the streets and a monster in the sheets, the Doctor might look like a softie but in reality there is nothing soft about him 😉. He likes the idea of having control over you because unlike his life it can't be held down with a bow tie.


The Doctor may seem old but the way he acts doesn't seem so old to you. When Nardole is out making tea he likes to play a game that he calls foreplay. I guess you can say he would be fired if they found out what happened in the student teacher relationship.

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